28 - the rations

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shit has hit the fucking fan alright. raven hooked up a small tv screen, about as big as a piece of paper, with a camera, one of the ones the arc was gonna use to watch the launch, near the TVs

we can now video chat with the arc, and the council.

 i went to sleep last night happy, still alone, and woke up to this shit.

im on edge, not helping clean up the thrashed camp, shit thrown everywhere by the storm. i walk around quickly, cautious as to who goes into the tent

miller has gone in to tell roma's parents that she was killed by the grounders. then johns, kynans, and the 2 who were killed. then adams family, then the boy who went through the wall.

he left, furious with being stuck with the task, walking straight to the ship, no doubt to either kill the grounder, or bellamy, for laying on that job, when it should've been him, or me.

but he wont. bellamy hides in the ship, watching the grounder, wondering what we do with him now. he doesnt speak english, octavia is in love with him, cleaning his wounds, talking to him. but if we let him go, he'll be back, with some friends too.

clarke has the headset on, inside the tent, talking to the council. i sit just behind the tent, listening in, hidden form the main area where people are cleaning up.

"tell me about the grounder, can you tell me anything on how to survive the winter?" chancellor jaha asks, sounding very alive, which is also bellamys fault.

clarke goes into the whole built a wall, gathering berries, roots and nuts, drying meat, shit like that, and then tells them that we'll freeze before we starve, which is very true.

"clarke. i have some good news on that topic, there's a supply depot, to the north, you havent been far north have you?" kane says, and i shudder at the sound of his voice. ive had enough time running from him, and knowing he's after me again doesnt help my stress levels.

"and what makes you think it hasnt rotted away like everything else?" she asks.

"it's designed for this, the only question is, has it been looted by the natives yet?" kane says, question not setup for an answer.

"it's worth a shot. hold up the coordinates so i can write them down" she says, taking about 10 seconds.

"i'd like a moment with clarke alone please" jaha says, and i know it'll be about abbey, not present at the council table for some reason, but that doesnt bother me.

i walk away quietly.

bellamy has surfaced, and stands, watching jasper, monty and a few others put together rationed servings of food.

"bell" i say, walking up to him. he looks just as startled as i do.

"they're coming arent they?" he asks, in front of everybody.

everyone knows he shot jaha to get down here, but it's just something we dont talk about.

i nod, as he walks toward me, and we start walking, alone, towards the gates.

"what are we gonna do?" he asks me.

"im leaving, now. im gonna get enough of a head start that the arc never has a chance at me, ever" i reply, but he shakes his head.

"you're gonna leave our people?" he asks me, and i look around. monty, jasper, bec, renee, shawn, all the others, just enjoying life.

"your option?" i ask.

"we leave once these people are safe" he replies.

i nod, as clarke walks over, done with her video chat.

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