confessions and dating || headcanon - tifa

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anonymous asked: hi! i'd like to request HCs for tifa x female!reader where reader confesses to her and what their relationship would be like afterwards? thank you!

celestialdaemon asked: Hey there! I just stumbled across your blog and your recent posts about open requests... and was wondering if I could request a sweet little Tifa x f! reader fluff? Pretty please <3 I didn't have anything specific in mind, I just haven't seen much and wanted a cute drabble <3 If you don't want to, thats totally fine! Have a great day ^.^

when you confess she's flustered but overjoyed, and quickly makes it known that she reciprocates your feelings! it's a little awkward at first, because she's never really had anyone confess their feelings to her before (except johnny, but it's johnny so she never took the confessions seriously).

it takes a while to get into a comfortable rhythm, but after she's grown accustomed to your change in relationship, she thrives in it! she loves organising dates and spending as much time with you as possible when she's not at seventh heaven.

she's not really into pda, and when she is affectionate with you in public it tends to be discreet squeezes of the hand and quick kisses to the cheek - she finds it embarrassing to be watched.

whenever you get her a gift, she absolutely treasures it. if it's a flower, she'll keep it alive for as long as humanly possible, and whenever she sees it she's filled with an all-consuming love for you,she tries as much as humanly possible to keep you away from the backlash of avalanche. if you're a part of the organisation and regularly go out to fight against shinra, she'll worry nonstop until you get back, and sometimes may even beg you to not go. if you aren't, she'll try and avoid letting it impact you in anyway - she worries that they'll get caught and you'll get swept up in the mess, and that's the last thing she wants to happen.

if there's ever someone trying to flirt with you, she makes it known that you're dating, even if she feels a bit embarrassed for appearing so protective.

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