a normal life || scenario - reno

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anonymous asked: Hello, i have a request! Scenario with Reno x Reader where the reader is someone who doesnt want to have anything to do with shinra or avalanche, she just minds her own business, but somehow gets caught up in the middle of it. Thank you! (Btw i loved the first chapter of Gunslinger)


The door slams closed as Reno walks in, the walls shaking with the impact of it, one of the decorations placed on the shoe rack by the door rattling, but it doesn't smash or fall to the floor, an indication that Reno has reached out to catch it before it could reach the floor. His shoes thud loudly on the floor as he kicks them off, and he lets out a groan as he stretches, making his way straight into the kitchen. He wraps an arm around you as he comes to a stop on your right, pulling you close and pressing a kiss to your head, eyes focused on the delicious treats you were baking up. He swipes some of the batter left in one of the bowls, popping his finger into his mouth before you can swat his hand away.

"Watcha makin'?" he asks, peering down at the dough you're kneading.

"Bread," you reply simply. "How was work?"

"Eh, y'know, same old same old," he says as he moves over the fridge, pulling a beer out and popping the cap off easily. He walks back over to you and stands behind you, wrapping one arm around your waist whilst the other grips his beer, pressing a soft kiss to your neck before taking a swig of his drink. "You been baking all day?"

"Sure have."

"What's for dinner?"

"Pizza. Fresh, not pure grease like you eat from the pizzeria down the road."

"But the grease is the best bit, babe," he drawls, pinching your hip. He laughs as you swing a flour-covered hand at him. "Oh, forgot to mention. Had another encounter with Avalanche today, crazy bastards."

A groan slips past your lips before you can stop it, and you turn around in his arms to peer up at him. "You know I don't particularly care for Avalanche or Shinra, right?"

"I know," he replies, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your lips. "But, you're dating me, so you kind of have to be involved, in the conversation at least."

He begins to walk away. "Don't involve me with any of it."

"Sure thing babe," he says as he slumps down on the couch, swallowing another swig of his beer. "Sure thing."


But of course he knew that wasn't going to be possible forever, but he just didn't expect you to be thrown into the mess so soon. Yet here you were, in the midst of a stand off between the Turks and Avalanche, right in the line of fire. He's screaming at you to get out of the way, but you're precariously perched on a collapsed bridge, a bridge he helped collapse in attempt to get Avalanche, and you can't move anywhere. Other citizens caught up in the mess are clinging to sharp bits of metal, Avalanche slowly helping them back onto the road whilst the Shinra soldiers and Turks stand helplessly on the other side. He could easily jump on the bridge from this distance and rescue you, but there's no way he could get you both to Shinra's side, and there's no way he can go over towards Avalanche without getting shot.

You've seen him, your eyes wide with fear as the bridge groans beneath your feet, the woman you're clinging onto screaming and sobbing more, her own grip on you tightening painfully. You've been trying to soothe her for an hour, assuring her that Shinra would help you all, but it's clear they can't do anything, or aren't willing to, and seeing Reno stand there with them stabs your heart with betrayal.

There's a man standing in front of you, and he takes the woman from your arms, promising someone will come for you soon, and he carries her off of the bridge and into the arms of the medical team. The bridge cracks loudly, and you feel it disappear beneath your feet, your heart leaping into your throat in panic, and you can hear Reno scream your name again. Avalanche watch helplessly just beyond you, and you can't will your legs to move, watching as the man who helped the woman off and another, black-haired woman talk frantically between themselves. Their terrified expressions don't help you.

Another man steps in front of them, stepping forwards cautiously, eyes locked on you as he waits for the bridge to collapse under his feet. He finds your gaze, and somehow among all the screaming and shouting, you hear him says "slowly", beckoning you with an outstretched hand. He takes another step onto the bridge, until it's just the two of you on there, and he nods encouragingly. Your eyes briefly find the sword, and you glance over your shoulder to where Reno stands.

He's mentioned this man before. A member of Avalanche, up until now faceless in your mind. Reno nods to you, as if to say "trust him", and you turn back to the man. Cloud.

You take a step forwards, hand gripping tightly onto what remains of the railing. At least that's what you think his name is. But what should it matter right now? The bridge quakes dangerously beneath you, but you stop yourself from sprinting towards the end. Any sudden movements could be fatal.

Cloud holds your gaze firmly, urging you forward again, and sucking in a deep breath, you continue your slow walk to safety. You're almost there, can almost feel solid land beneath your feet, when the bridge begins to shake violently, and someone shouts that it's going to collapse. Cloud shouts for you to run, and you do, breaking out into a sprint that you're certain is the fastest you've ever achieved, reaching out for Cloud's hand as he steps off. You're almost there, but the bridge falls beneath your feet just before your fingers touch, and you fall with it.

But the man who rescued the woman you soothed catches your wrist, which snaps painfully at the force of being stopped, and you let out a yelp of pain as you're hauled onto solid ground, escorted to safety. The medical team ask for your emergency contact, and in the shock of what has just transpired, all you can do is point across the valley towards where Reno stands.


He's apologetic when he finally engulfs you in your arms, tears streaming down his face as he finally feels your skin against his, presses kisses all over your face and neck. You've overcome your shock, thanked Cloud and the man, Barret, you learn, for saving your life, but for Reno it's been almost half a day without answers. He grabs your cheeks and presses his lips firmly to yours, body quaking with sobs as he lets your touch soothe him.

When he pulls away, he stares deep into your eyes, lets you wipe away his tears, presses his forehead to yours and apologises to you once more.

"I told you to never get me involved in that stuff. I want a normal life."

He can't help but laugh, returning your smile.

"I promise I won't, babe, never again."

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