wedding jitters || headcanon - cloud

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anonymous asked: hey! can i request some headcannons for cloud strife getting married to their s/o and is very nervous? mhnvngh its my first time requesting so im not sure if this is the correct way to request ;;

he never thought he'd be this nervous to get married to you. he was confident that you were the right person for him, you were the one, that much was clear - to him, to you, to everyone. he wanted to get married to you, the truest form of commitment to a person. it was an unquestionable decision, but despite his confidence, he still has those wedding jitters.

but they soon disappear when he sees you walking down the isle, your eyes locked on his, and he's captivated by your alluring presence. he's captivated by your beauty, you steal all his breath and breathe life into him all at once. he wonders how he could have ever obtained such a gorgeous person, both inside and out.

tears sting his eyes, but he sucks in a breath and tries to hold the tears back. he doesn't want to cry in this perfect moment, but the thought of being forever reunited with him makes him emotional. makes him feel emotions he had never even thought he could have. he feels vulnerable, but in the most amazing way possible.

as his hands claps yours and the officiant starts the ceremony, he can't even focus on what's going on, just on you. he's shocked at how perfect a person can be, and those nerves return again, and for the briefest moment he wonders if he deserves you at all. you're too perfect for him, his little ray of hope in the dark abyss that had been his life until he met you.

but the nerves disappear again as soon as he kisses you, and he lets himself melt into your embrace. any shyness or embarrassment for the blatant display of affection in front of family and friends diminishes, because all he can do if focus on you and his unconditional love for you. you're the light of his life and he's so happy to be married to you.

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