touchy-feely || headcanon - cloud

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anonymous asked: Hi~ 💕 Could you please do an imagine/head canon for Cloud being jealous of you and Biggs relationship (you two are just friends but are really touchy), but when it comes to Cloud you're really shy because you have a crush on him. If you could make this fluffy with sexual tension between Cloud and reader please. 🙏🙏❤️

he knows he shouldn't have such strong feelings of resentment for the relationship you and biggs have - logically he knows that the two of you are just really good friends, and have been through a lot together, so naturally you would be close. but the two of you seem to be too close to be 'just friends', the casual touches that always seem something more than they are, the secret smiles and subconscious searching for one another.

it frustrates him when he sees you and biggs embrace, holding on tight to one another like your lives depend on it. when he sees biggs sling his arm over your shoulders and pull you into his side, jealously rushes through cloud like a raging fire, and he has to hold his tongue to stop him from saying something. he'd never usually make snide comments unprovoked, but when he sees biggs all cosied up to you like that he has to restrain himself.

but unbeknownst to cloud, you harbour your own affections for him. whenever you're around him, your heart beats at a mile a minute, your tongue grows dry and heavy in your mouth, and you struggle to think straight let alone form coherent sentences. it's like he casts a spell over you, and your body reacts to his presence before you even mentally acknowledge him arriving.

everyone else can tell it's obvious that the two of you like one another, but they also know neither of you are ready to admit such a fact. cloud silently broods and watches you from afar, never the type to express how he feels or show more emotion than absolutely necessary - he'd never confess to you. and you're too shy, a nervous wreck in his presence for fear of your feelings being exposed and ultimately being rejected.

but one day you bite the bullet, and during a mission you subconsciously grab cloud's muscled bicep in the face of danger, and even though you clearly realise that you're holding him, and he does too, you don't let go. throughout the rest of the mission you seek him out, and soon he does too, grabbing your hand and dragging you along even when you're not running away from something. it gives him hope, and his heart pounds in his chest, but he's not as jealous of biggs anymore, because you always go to him, now.

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