fluff || headcanon - vincent valentine

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anonymous asked: your vincent headcanons were so cute !! ;v ; he's like one of my favorite characters from 7 ! would it be okay to ask for some fluffy vincent/reader headcanons? like falling in love, first dates, things he'll do in private with them (cuddling, favorite way to fall asleep) ? i'm sorry if that's too much !! @u@

vincent doesn't understand the weird feeling in his chest that only appears when he's around you or thinks of you. it's nothing like he's felt before, so foreign and unfamiliar, and it takes him a while to figure out what it is. he's at a bar, watching you quietly as you socialize with other bar patrons, when a older gentlemen slips into the seat next to, telling him he knows that look, and that he should let you know before you slip through his fingers. it takes him the rest of the night to understand, but when he does he feels guilty, like he's somehow trapped you or cursed you by loving you.

it's when you ask him out on a date that he realises you could return those feelings. he's incredibly nervous, and perhaps unwilling to acknowledge that it's a date, because he can't convince himself that you truly do return his affections. traitorous thoughts almost ruin it - maybe you're just doing it out of pity, maybe because he's an old man. but your excitement makes it clear that it's not out of pity, that you're willing and giddy with joy at the prospect of going on a date with him. even though he's awkward and admittedly a bit nervous himself, he can't help but reciprocate your megawatt smile.

vincent isn't really one for pda, much preferring to display his affections solely in private. he loves coming home to you, whether it be after a long day of helping around your town or after a week-long mission. it's his favourite part of the day when you greet him at the door, engulfing him tightly before he can even step over the threshold. he loves the warmth that radiates off of your body, sucking the harsh cold out of him, and the way you smell of all sorts of delectable foods that get his taste buds tingling. but most of all he loves the feeling of your arms wound around his waist, holding him tight and squeezing him periodically as you mumble your greeting to each other.

at first he isn't much of a kisser, but overtime he grows to absolutely love your sweet little kisses. he adores the small pecks you place on his eyelids, nose and cheeks as he wakes up, and the lazy morning kisses that accompany it. he loves the passionate ones too, after he's been away for several days too long, or after he helps you with something you've been struggling to do for a while. they consume all of his senses, trap him in a bubble of love and joy. they distract him from the evils of the world, and remind him of his humanity.

he loves cuddling too. it's his favourite part of his day when the two of you get to cuddle up, especially if it's dark and gloomy outside. he's addicted to the warmth that radiates from you, the security wrapping your arms around him as you snuggle into his side, head resting on his shoulder. feeling your body pressed so close to him is the best feeling in the world. he especially loves falling asleep like this, and doesn't mind the drool on his shoulder the next morning when you both wake up. he thinks it's especially adorable when you fall into his lap during the night, and subconsciously finds himself running his finger through your hair when this happens. he loves seeing you so at peace and calm, with him, right where he belongs.

↳ ffvii (final fantasy seven) one shots || vol. 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ