significant others || headcanon - sephiroth

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anonymous asked: It's okay! So can I bother you with another question before you close off your asks? Can you please describe how Crisis core Seph would be different to a s!o from antagonist Seph? Like starting from scratch, how would they feel about their s!o and what would they want from them?

sephiroth never expects a relationship to form with you. he's aloof and keeps things strictly professional, so he's surprised when you seem so persistent to befriend him, even more surprised when you start flirting with him. he doesn't actually believe that you want to be intimately involved with him - so when he realises you're falling in love with him, he's rather astounded.

he's incredibly doting. he's always checking up on you and making sure that you have everything you need. he knows you can do things and get things for yourself, but he likes to be able to do things for you. he doesn't want you to be without anything, and if he can be the one to get it for you it gives him a strange sense of fulfillment.

he respects you immensely, and he makes sure you know that. other than angeal and genesis, you're one of the few people he opens up to, but there's a stronger level of trust in you. he'll tell you almost everything, and you'll likely know him better than he does himself.

it'll take a while for him to be completely affectionate towards you - he'll be hesitant and awkward, it's a foreign thing to him, even hugs, so he'll likely tense up whenever you hug him or give him a quick peck. but after a while he'll become more accustomed to it, relax into it and become the one to initiate it. he's not into pda, but he'll be incredibly tender behind closed doors, press gentle kisses to your lips in greeting, subconsciously draw you closer and gently rub your scalp with his fingers. he'll only show you his loving side, never his cruel one.

it's a long time before he finally tells you he loves you, but be reassured by the fact that he loves you truly and unconditionally a long time before he says the words. he shows his love in different ways to you, through buying you things and taking you to beautiful places he finds - places he only wants to share with you. but after he says 'i love you' for the first time, he says it a million times afterwards.

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