vacations || scenario - reno

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anonymous asked: A Reno x Reader where the reader is a member of Avalanche. Set while the Turks are on vacation in Wutai and run into the party 😊 (Also I love your writing~)

"We can't find her anywhere," Cloud grumbles as he approaches you and Cid, Tifa by his side.

"Shit!" Cid exclaims, stomping his foot and spitting his cigarette onto the ground. "Damn thief! She better turn up soon or I'm gonna - I'm gonna - "

"We should split up," Tifa butts in, sending a wary glance towards Cid as he pulls another cigarette from his pocket and lights it. "We can cover more ground that way. Cloud and I will head back towards the shops again, see if they'll talk to us this time. Cid, do you want to head to Wutai Temple?"

When Tifa turns to look at him, he's already stalking off in that direction, grumbling as he goes. A sigh slips out of Tifa, he shoulder slumping at the sight, but when she turns to you she smiles, albeit tiredly. "Could you head towards the bars? She might be hiding in the crowds."

"Sure thing!"

Her smile brightens slightly at your enthusiasm, and she nods in satisfaction. "We'll meet back here then."

She has to drag Cloud away with her, and it doesn't take long before they've disappeared into the crowds and you're forced to battle your way through the ones in the tourist-y area. Most of the bars are packed with customers, yelling and laughing among themselves, the white headband of the perpetrator no where in sight. At the end of the road there's a smaller bar, a few patrons sitting outside and watching the belligerent drunks quietly.

There's only five people inside, the bartender, a lone patron at the end of the bar sipping slowly on his beer, and a group of three gathered in the corner. They're dressed in suits, unfitting for a bar scene, and two of the three sit with squared shoulders, the other stretched out across two of the chairs. One of them stands up abruptly upon making eye contact, and she points her finger at you, reaching for her belt.

"They're with Avalanche!"

Reno turns around at the speed of light, a grin slipping across his lips at the sight of you, waving his hand dismissively at Elena. "Relax. We're on vacation. Hey, baby, long time no see!"

You feel white hot rage shoot through your veins at the sight of him, turning on your heel and walking outside, hoping to disappear into the crowds before he can catch up with you. But he's by your side in almost an instant, draping his arm across your shoulders and leaning his weight on you, laughing and pulling you closer to his body when you try to shove him away. Even the crowds can't pull him away from you, no matter how many times someone bumps into him or you, and he quickly steers you to the side of the street.

"What, not happy to see me?" he drawls, watching you carefully as he finally lets you pull away.

"Of course I'm not, you're the enemy," you shoot back, turning to walk away.

His hand is wound around your wrist as fast as lightning, grip tight but not enough to hurt, preventing you from walking away. "I'm on vacation. I'm not the enemy here."

"You're in uniform."

"Elena made us wear it, just in case, but Rude and I weren't plannin' on working."

He holds your heated gaze, undeterred by your glare, smirking when you sigh and tug your wrist away, folding your arms over your chest defensively. "Your eco-warriors here with you?"

"So what if they are?"

"Just wondering. Wutai isn't exactly the kinda place you wanna be alone." He gestures to the street as emphasis, as one man slugs a closed fist at another man's face.

You're silent for a moment. "What do you want from me?"

"A date?" he suggests with a grin.

"I'm not here for fun, Reno. I have something to do."

"How about I help you with what you need to do, and as payment I'll generously accept a date."

You scoff, shaking your head. "No way."

"Come on, I ain't that bad."

"I'd argue otherwise."

"Just one. And if you don't like me after that, I'll leave you alone for good. Well, as much as my job lets me."

A sigh slips past your lips. You don't want to, but he has resources that could help you, Cloud, Tifa and Cid get your materia back, and if he's genuine, the deal of him leaving you alone is all too appealing. There's no way he'll charm you on this date, anyway. You're enemies.

"Fine." You lift a single finger into the air, holding it in his line of sight. "One."

His grin stretches even more, blue eyes sparking with mischief. "Good choice, baby."

"Don't call me that."

"You'll grow to like it," he says. "Now - let's get this thing of yours done. This vacation is shaping up to be one of my best."

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