a little patch up || scenario - cloud

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anonymous asked: Hey :) can I request a lil scenario where Cloud's injured and he needs patching up but he only wants his crush to do so for him? Like how he would awkwardly go about trying to get them to do it lol

Cloud hisses when the alcohol touches the open wound, shakes his head when you when you apologise, dismissing it as his own fault. You're gentle as you rub away the dirt from the cut, wiping away the dried blood from around it. He tries to block out the sound of Jessie and Tifa's giggles as they watch you on, Marlene giggling loudly too when Jessie whispers something in her ear. He silently begs them to be quiet, to not give anything away - if you found out about his crush on you, he's fairly certain it would be worse than the pain from this cut, the embarrassment unbearable.

"Can you straighten up a bit, please?" Your hand cups his bicep, and he doesn't miss the way you lightly squeeze it. He feels his neck begin to grow hot, and he straightens his back, urging his shoulders to relax so that he doesn't seem too tense. His skin tingles where your fingers rest, and the feeling doesn't leave when you remove your hand.

He watches you out of the corner of your eye as you fumble to unravel one of the bandages, leaning close to him in order to wind it around the cut. He winces again when you tug particularly tight, and another apology slips past your lips. You tap his leg when you're done, and he shifts in his seat, reaching out to finger the bandage. A pregnant pause hangs over you, and he watches silently as you pack the medical equipment.

"Hey, Cloud?"

He hums, but the noise gets caught in his throat when you press a quick kiss to his cheek, and the blush shoots up his neck and fills his cheek at the speed of light.

"Thanks for saving me back there, and I'm sorry you got hurt too."

He can't think for a long moment, and he stares dumbly at you, his fingers rising to his cheek and pressing down lightly on the skin. "Yeah, it's no problem. I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

You nod, gnawing at your bottom lip. "I owe you one."

"No, it's fine, really."

"How about another kiss then, as payment?"

He chokes on his spit, and isn't able to form a response quick enough before you press another, firmer kiss to his cheek. Marlene slips into peals of giggles, Jessie attempting to hush her through giggles of her own. But all he can think about is how good your lips felt against his cheek, and the tingling of his skin as you move away.

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