trials and tribulations || headcanon - cloud

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anonymous asked: Hey! How are ya? I hope you're safe with everything happening right now! I was wondering though, could I get a Cloud Strife/Reader? Can they be best friend AND lovers going through the beginning stages of their relationship but Cloud is also healing bc of everything he's been through (PTSD's a bitchhh). But bc of that their relationship gets rocky, they end up fighting a lot and Cloud says somethings really out of line(maybe they even break up?)But it all ends well and they end up happy🥺

having been cloud's best friend for so long, there's already this strong, established trust in your relationship. you're the only person in the whole world who probably knows more about him that he does himself, and he trusts you more than he does anyone else. there's an unbreakable bond between the two of you, one of mutual respect and a love that neither of you can quite explain, a wordless pact to stay with each other through thick and thin. cloud's skeptical about entering a relationship with you at first, because he doesn't want to lose that friendship should anything go wrong, and knowing his past with luck, something will go wrong.

but, he does gradually relax into the arrangement, revels in it, even. although he'd never truly admit it, he absolutely adores you and is dumbstruck by you whenever you walk into the room. you're the apple of his eye, and he silently swears to himself that he'll do anything to protect you. onlookers think the pair of you are absolutely adorable, and some people joke to the two of you it's just the 'honeymoon-phase', but cloud knows it isn't anything like that. he's known you and loved you for years and years, and any 'honeymoon-phase' happened and ended years ago. he knows this is true love, and it makes his heart skip a beat whenever he thinks about it.

of course all relationships have their bumps in the road, most of which in your relationship are due to cloud's struggles with ptsd. it's brutal and heart-wrenching to watch him struggle, anxiety-inducing when he spaces out and relives his memories with vivid detail, your smiling face replaced with blood and gore. it's definitely a strain on your relationship, especially when he broods and refuses to talk about it, insisting he's fine. as best friends, he would usually tell you after a few minutes of coaxing, but he feels an urge to protect you and shield you more from his past.

it results in a fight, accusations of lost trust and hatred, angry, impulsive words that neither of you truly mean, words that fly out before your brains can even process what you're saying. the end of a relationship. it results in you storming out with tears streaming down your face, him left to brood in your home, stewing with anger. it doesn't take long before regret surges through him. regret for the words he said, regret for not opening up to you, regret for letting you walk away. he'll get up and search for you, and won't stop searching for you until he finds you. the adrenaline of the fight may still be running through his veins, but he needs to find you before something bad happens.

when he finds you, he'll embrace you and hold you tighter than he ever has before, whispering his apologies and waiting for you to calm down. he'll smother kisses all over your face, take your face in his hands and press firm kisses to your lips, doesn't care who's watching the two of you. he'll apologise to you, swear to you he'll talk to you about his problems like he used to, because he really does want to, he wants to open up to you, let you see all his vulnerable parts. you deserve that, you've been at his side through thick and thin, and you deserve answers. you may be his lover, but you're his best friend first, and he'll be damned if he loses you.

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