Good news or Bad news!!!

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The operation happened successfully.All now we could do was wait for both of them. Hobi and Jimin kept on bringing coffee for members and me.After a short time of surgery's good news,Jin came and stood in front of me. 

"Y/N,you should also get yourself treated.Now,when everything is done and all we can do is wait,you need to take care of yourself",he said.

I denied for sometime but couldn't make him agree."Okay,I will go.Just call me if situation differs in any way",I requested."I will come with you",Hobi offered.We informed others and went to another floor where O.P.D. was there.

"We need to take your X-ray.I guess you have some internal bleeding",doctor suggested.I went for X-ray and came back to doctor.He treated my external wounds and gave some supplements."You are not allowed to do any activities until I get your result back",doctor said. Hobi took the slip and came back with some medicines.

"Listen Y/N",he looked at me with his beautiful deep dark brown eyes.I mean,you might be thinking I am flirting with all of them but you cannot help it when you are an army.Even if, I wasn't there fan ;I would have fallen for all members throughout my journey."Yes",I could only get that out of my mouth while I could smell his cologne.

"I know what you are going through;but,I really appreciate what you did for us.And I am really sorry for what you went through but never think that we keep you responsible for all this.You are one of us now,and we care about you the way you care about us;even more",he said.I understood what he was trying to do there but I still regretted being part of their life and bringing this bad luck with me.  

I just smiled when phone ranged up. Hobi answered his call while I waited for him.He looked at me with his sunshine smile,"Jungkook is awake". My soul almost left my body to hurry up and see him.We both ran like there is no tomorrow.But,as soon as I came near the door I stopped.

A guilt and fear scrawled through my body.I questioned myself, 'What if he doesn't love me anymore after he listens about Tae?What if he saw me as the reason of everything that happened?Ain't I the only who brings bad luck to the people I love?'Hobi held my hand and said,"don't make wait him too long.You know he gets feisty if waited for too long".

I ignored my thoughts and listened to my heart which was pulling me towards Jungkook. I slowly built my guts and opened the door.There was the most perfect man in this world.His wounds were still not healed but they were beautiful.I knew if they left scars he would be so sad.He would clearly turn them into some artistic tattoos.

"Hey there",I said.My voice so low that even I couldn't hear it,but he did.I guess that's what they say talking through heart.I gave him a big smile."What the hell is she doing here?",he spoke angrily.

I expected him to be angry at me for getting beaten up so I just smiled and went near his bed."I know you are angry.I am sorry for what I did back then",I said remembering how much he had to suffer by himself and on top of that see me suffer.

He just made a disgusted look at me."Hey,you should be good to her.Stop behaving such",Hobi scolded.He scoffed.I interrupted,"It's okay.After all he had to go through it because of me".I thought about how he was screaming his lungs out while they beat me.It must be hard on him after all he loved me.

"Yes.That's right you bitch",he cursed at me.They all started staring at each other.It was first time he ever cursed at me."What?"I asked politely.That's when I noticed him holding hands with Monica."Why are you holding her hand?"I asked suspiciously."Because she is love of my life",he said proudly.

Snow White and The BTSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon