Suspect is suspicious??

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"This way",the officer in the office told me."Can I get privacy with him?",I asked Won.He nodded and every one left.I picked up the phone.

"I know you are not the one I saw  neither the one I collided with, the moment I entered",I said firmly.He looked deep in my eyes with fierceness."I am the sniper you saw on the roof,"he said in deep voice.

I tried to remember his face but I couldn't when he said,"I never said I collided with you.I said I tried to shot Jimin."When I understood that maybe both the people were different with same clothes.But,then what was other doing there?

"Where is your partner?"I asked."I work alone I don't have any partner",he said."Fine.Whom are you working for?"I asked as I didn't had much time left with him."It was me, all me",he said frustratingly when Won entered.


"What do you think?"Won asked me as soon as we left the station."He is saying truth but not completely",I simply said."I thought that too",he thoughtfully replied."But why are you asking for my input?"I asked him suspiciously.

"I searched about who you are after our first meet.I mean, can you expect a normal girl to get suspicious by a guy wearing black suit and then even able to understand his motive. Isn't that suspicious a little?",he said looking at me.

"So ,what now!Will you arrest me?"I looked into his eyes."No.That's all in past I hope",he turned on the car.I sat beside him."I believe past never truly leaves the person.And specially like me",I made an obvious statement which he would understand as he knew who I was.He was going to reply when I switched on my phone.

"Ahh!Can you tell me what does boys like?"He made a confusing face."Remember I escaped my house without informing my guys.I am getting threats that they won't talk to me when I get home.How cute!"I said with a smile.We both talked for a while on the road.It was nice to talk in my own language after a long time.


When I reached home,I inserted the code.As soon as I entered ,I saw seven of them sitting in common room on sofa with a frown on face.It was so cute that it was hard for me to keep straight face.

It was pin drop silence.I took the chair they kept for me to sit on.I felt like I am suspect and they are going to inspect me.Though, this officers looked cute and hot at the same time.Okay!Y/N ,stop thinking that.Please be serious,I said to myself. 

"I remember someone saying they needed some rest rather then going around when they are hurt and in danger ",Hobi said sarcastically.I never thought he could be sarcastic."I am sorry",I said in low voice.

"Pardon?"Joonie asked."I know what I did was wrong.But come on,you also know it was necessary",I gave them my puppy eyes.It didn't worked."And the best news is, he was the one.So,now you are free to go anywhere you want",I continued.

They were still upset with me but they kept on hearing me as I was describing about what all happened."And where else did you go?"Yoongi s for first time after my return."Oh!I ordered something for you all through staff members".My words were confirmed with a bell."There it is!"I pointed out.

We all sat to eat it,in silence.It was awfully quiet."By the way,I thought maybe today we could play some games.After so long ,we are finally free ",I looked at them expectantly.When Tae spoke,"What games do you know?"I was glad at least he wasn't upset with me anymore.It was a good start.

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