Jungkook scared my stalker!!!

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 I was astounded to see him in real life so, I just tried to be cute but it didn't came out well. It was my very first time meeting a celebrity. So, I just tried to behave as casual as possible so that I don't scare him away like my  friend or other fans. "So?" he asked me with his sexy voice. 

"Let me check if there is anyone outside. When I signal you,then you can escape",I suggested. Looking at his expression reminded me of his not so good English.  "Did   you   understand   what   I   just   said?   I   am   not   good   at   Korean   and   neither  are  you   at   English ; that's   why   I   am   asking   you  this ",I said as slow as I could. He had weird expression like I am mad ;but he still replied with his thumbs up.

I went out in the gallery and looked around for them , but no one was there. To be damn sure, I called my friend and asked her about her whereabouts .She answered me that they were searching for him in the gent's washroom which was kind of creepy.

Then, I knocked the door and gestured him to come out. He wore his mask ,again. "Sooo,,, bye ",I said. He waited for me, to speak more,but when I didn't , he continued,"You not coming. What if someone comes in elevator and recognizes me ?"I just wanted to tell him 'no' as I am scared of elevators but the offer was too tempting. 

So,I got inside and stood in one corner holding the bar of the elevator . He noticed it but,gladly didn't asked anything. "Press the parking one. It will be easier for you to get to your car ,"I suggested. He pressed the button and stood aside.

Soon, the lift opened on one of the floor.Doors opened and a person got in."Oh, well.. well.. See who is here !",he said ."Darling, you never take elevator, why today?For me?" he asked while trying to keep his hand around my shoulder. "What the hell are you doing here? Today was your off ",I growled and pushed his hand off me.

"Oh! So now you keep tracks of my schedule. Isn't it romantic ?"he said smiling to himself .He tried to hold my hand so I pushed him hard and he fell down.I could sense Jungkook in one corner.

"I never complaint about you because you are my friend's boss.But that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass like last time.I wouldn't mind paying your hospital bills!", I tried to buy time to kick him out.

"You can't fight me. Well, at least not in lift ",he again tried to get close to me.I was ready to hit him when Kook stood between us. He put his hand on his chest."Back off",Jungkook said.I guess he learned it in one of the action movies,though I have no complaints.

"Who the fuck you think you are to come between me and my girl?"Damon asked angrily. Kook said something to him in his ear to which he responded with a scoff.As soon as doors opened,he made him leave before he could say anymore.

As the doors closed, my legs gave away."Are you OK?"Jungkook asked me removing his mask.I took a deep breath which was accompanied by his vanilla cologne."Yes,Oppa",I replied and 'Not at all when you are this close',I thought to myself.


[In the parking lot]"O.K.,now you are on your way and me on mine",I said ;though I wished both were same.He shook my hand and I left in a hurry.I am quite sure he might be thinking that I am crazy.After I reached home I decided never to tell anyone about this beautiful day.

That night my friend called me to whine about not being able to find him which made me think if only;I asked for his number or at-least told him my name,maybe he would remember me.I became so fed up of thinking of him again again that I drank a lot and passed out to have his dreams.

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