The Statement!!

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Namjoon brought some guy with him."Guys and y/n,he will be the one investigating our case",Namjoon explained."Hello everyone.I am Lee Won ho.I would be glad if you'll help me in the investigation",he introduced himself.

He was quite cute,tall and handsome.Am I really being blessed by cupid?First BTS and then this uniform guy."You are cute."I commented in my language which isn't English so that nobody would understand what I said.

"Thank you mam!",he responded immediately in my language.I was so shocked to know that he knew my language [and also that he understood me calling him cute] that I choked.Everyone was looking between me and him because of our exchange of alien words.

"Hi,I am Jungkook",Jungkook interrupted."Who doesn't know BTS members?"Won shook his hand."It's better if we start with statements as I already know you all",Won said. It was a bit rude of him but I could understand that we don't have much time.

He continued,"So,I think it will be better if I get to know first y/n's statement".He looked at me.All the eyes were on me right now.I got so nervous that my hands started sweating.Then I slapped myself mentally and reminded myself that I have gone through this so many times that I should be used to it.But, the thing making me nervous here was BTS.

"I was attending the ceremony when I crashed into a guy with Gothic clothes.I was late so I got a place in the side corner.As they were giving speech ,I noticed a spot on Jimin's clothes which I thought was because he spilled something.But when it started moving it made me feel suspicious.I started scanning my surroundings when I noticed a guy on the roof top.So,on my instincts I ran towards Jimin screaming and pushed him down.I guess I wasn't fast enough to dodge the bullet myself .Some bodyguard pulled my leg as I was protecting Jimin and I lost my balance and fell down and got head injury",I stated.

Yoongi interrupted me,"Sorry y/n!It ....It was me who pulled your leg.I thought you were attacking Jimin and it happened so suddenly that I could only think of was making you fall."When I heard him say that, I got so angry but, the way he apologized with his cat eyes I just couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"When I heard him say that, I got so angry but, the way he apologized with his  cat eyes I just couldn't stop myself from laughing

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"It's okay.I will forgive you if you smile cutely",I said.He gave me that sweet gummy smile that I almost forgot my pain."I am glad you told me about it and you have realized your mistake and after all how can I be angry on my Min Min for saving his family",I said.

"So,can you tell us which building did you see the shooter and how you knew he was a shooter",Won interrupted."Oh!He was on the first building of the block.And I just thought about it as in movies they have sniper and all.It was just instincts",I tried to cover as much as I could.

Jin understood what I was trying to do so he interrupted,"So,I guess that's all .We can continue her as we were there.She needs rest". "Okay.You'll can come to station for statement.I heard that she will be staying with you seven.So,for further investigation I would come to your house directly knowing her condition", Won said and left with Namjoon.

My dinner came soon."I am not gonna eat this.I don't like porridge",I complained."You have no other choice or you will be starving",Hobi scolded.I was so shocked the way Hobi talked with me.He was being so rude and loud.

I had crush on him but now he just crushed me into small bits."I can starve for a night.I won't die",I shouted and covered myself with blanket.Though I said a night ,but basically I was starving from two nights,as I didn't ate anything after gaining my consciousness back.Someone picked up the plate from my bed."Okay fine!Stay hungry",Hobi scoffed and I heard them leaving my room.

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