Jungkook is a bad boy!!

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When Jin said that Hobi would be the one looking after me ,I got scared and disappointed at the same time.I thought maybe like movies he will remove me out off the house and than lie to them that I left without a note.I know it was a rubbish thought but still, it made sense at that time.

"Can anyone else keep an eye on me?"I asked Jin."It's a surprise. Hobi's reaction was same.But,why both of you are ignoring each other?And it's not an eye keeping just protection",he answered.

"Trust me ,I can protect myself better than he can.And it's baby sitting.And to answer your last question,we both don't see eye to eye.Even I don't know why.He really hates me."I said in frustration when Namjoon spoke,"Trust me ,he doesn't hate you.Maybe ,one day he will tell you why."I didn't understand what he said but hoped for that one day.

***[Next day]

I woke up to Yoongi drying his hair."Good Morning",I said."Sorry,it was loud.Today, every bathroom is busy so I had to wash-up here",he apologized."It's fine.No hard feelings.And like that way also ,I turned in early yesterday so I was gonna getup any way and plus point I got to see you shirtless.Just any armies dream."

He got embarrased and quickly wore one."You know your skin reflects sun very nicely.You kind of remind me of Apollo.I guess BTS has not only moon but sun too",I commented."You should stop stop staring.It makes me uncomfortable",he replied.

"Fine!I will see what others are up-to. But you should change your shirt.It doesn't suit your style.Rest is your choice",and with this advice I left him to get ready.


Only Jin was present in common room.I thought others were still getting ready. Jin and Yoongi were always the one to get up first in the morning.I went to make coffee for me.

As soon as I lifted my shoulder up,a severe pain went through it."Aaah",I shouted."Y/N,stop forgetting that your shoulder isn't healed completely",Jin scolded me."Actually now it only hurts when I raise it too much so I tend to forget.My bad,Oppa!",I apologized.

Being with BTS these many days I realized one thing,if they are angry on you use "Oppa Card" with small pout ;trust me it always works.He removed the cup from the shelf by standing in front of me.I was feeling so hot that I just looked at my feet."Oh!Sorry",he realized that he was too close to me and got aside.

"What is going on here?"Jungkook interrupted us."You got up pretty early ",Jin noticed.I could see something in his eyes.Was he angry?Or jealous?Or frustrated?I interrupted,"Jin Oppa was making coffee for me." 

"Oppa!",he said with eyes raised."Wait hyung.I will make it for you.Anyways, I was gonna make one for myself",he continued."But,you don't drink coffee in morning.You like milk",Jin asked suspiciously.

From the look Jungkook gave Jin ,I could say they had some inner conversation."Fine,I will go and check on Jimin. That boy is always late",Jin left saying this.

"So,care to explain what was this?"I asked him pointing with finger. His eyes pierced straight through me.He held my hand.This was third time him making me nervous.

"Smooth or hard",he asked me in his rough voice."Smooth",I whispered."Get aside",he swayed me away with my hand.Don't get me wrong,but I really had thought it was going somewhere else.

"I like hard",he said with a smirk."Ahn",I asked."Coffee is better hard.You can taste completely",he said while whisking some coffee."Oh!Ya coffee.I mean no.I mean I like coffee smooth",I stammered. I had to play my cards.

He knew what effect he had on me which was dangerous for me."What were you thinking about?"he asked so innocently as if he didn't knew."Big spoon or small spoon?",I said looking at him.

He coughed with embarrassment which indicated that I won again."What?"he asked ."I mean which spoon are you using to pour sugar.It will help me to decide how many spoon of sugar will I like",I elaborated.We were interrupted by others as almost everyone gathered in the room.

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