Guess who is my roomie??

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"Here we have four rooms  with two beds each.So you can take my room. Yoongi can sleep with Jungkook and I can use sofa",Jin was the first gentleman."Aww!That's why I love you. Saranghaeo",I said while making a finger heart towards him.

"You can take my bed,instead.It will be least I can do for my savior and an army",Jimin suggested."When you put it that way I think I should take yours",I said thoughtfully."You can take my bed.I sleep alone.So ,you will be the only one in my room.And anyways I fall asleep anywhere."Jungkook said.

Before anymore suggestions came ,I interrupted, "Why don't I take everybody's bed?".All were looking at me as if I have lost my mind."Listen guys,I hate being treated as a guest.If  I wanted to be treated as such ,I would have stayed in hospital."

While I was speaking Yoongi interrupted me,"I thought you hated hospital essence"."That too !As I have sensitive nose.But the point here is I want you'll to live just like you were living before I existed.I can sleep on sofa .It's no big deal!"I added waving my hand.

"But what I understood from morning events and while driving is that YOU ARE A PATIENT.You weren't even able to change your own clothes.I had to call the nurse for that.And then you weren't able to walk yourself ,with which Jungkook helped you .So,I suggest you ,to take my bed.And like that way also,I am in the lab most of the time",Yoongi replied.

"Meowmeow,why are you always so cute.But still I am not gonna listen to you.Anyways we have 8 beds.I can share room with you boys.You don't have to give me whole room."I finally suggested.At last they all agreed to me.

But now the question was with whom will I share my bed with."See ,I need a room partner who doesn't snore ,talk or walk while sleeping and sleeps early too.I need lights to be off",I demanded.

"So,the candidates are Suga hyung and me,"Jimin replied."Is there anyone on this floor?It will be easier for me to be in common room and kitchen",I suggested.All looked at Yoongi again.He put his head down.

"Sorry Meowmeow ,but you are stuck with me now",I teased him."It's okay with me.But don't call me that again",he sighed."We already made it clear before",I said while giving him flying kiss.He got all shy and red as tomato.I yawned with wide mouth open."I guess I need some rest.I am gonna sleep."I went to the Yoongi's room.OOPS!My and Yoongi's room.

As soon as I went into the room I closed the door quickly."Breathe girl breath!"I told myself taking long breathes."Am I feeling heat or is this room really hot?"But then I saw A.C. was on.

"UUF !Oh my god!I am gonna live with BTS. Aah!Stupid girl stop jumping.It hurts".I said to myself but I had to remove all excitement so that they won't see it or feel it while they are around me.I tried to do some walk.I finally sat on the bed.

"O.K. girl.Now rules as always.No falling in love with them.But they are BTS how can I not.O.K.think of them as chimpanzees.It's nearest to human species.But they are cutest chimpanzees in the world."I was talking to myself stupidly so that I don't behave stupid infront of them.

"Focus girl.No falling in love.No contacts.Sleep properly.No drooling.No kicking or talking in sleep.Act calm and as you are.Think them as BT21 or in there Halloween costumes.Okay its more then enough .Now sleep."But can I ever really be able to sleep in the same house as BTS. It was a question I knew the answer for.

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