Thelma and Louise Pt. 3 (WinterFalcon)

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"You know, if you want to go back to Steve." Sam offers as they drive down the road. "You can drop me off at a gas station and I can find something. You don't have to stay." 

"I know. But I want to. We're in this together." Bucky replies, throwing a grin at Sam. 

Sam's cheeks flush and his grip tightens on the steering wheel. 

"Sam." Bucky asks a moment later. "What did that guy say to you. To make him angry. I just realized, you never actually told me." 

"Nothing." Sam answers. "Nothing important."

"Sam, I know you. He said something to make you that angry." Bucky pushes. 

"Nothing, Bucky."

"Sam, you can tell me."

"Leave it alone, Buck! I don't want to talk about it!" Sam shouts, hitting on the steering wheel. 

Bucky flinches back, falling into silence. 



The two hadn't spoken in over thirty minutes. Bucky was regretting pushing. 

"What?" Sam snaps. 

"I'm sorry for pushing. I should't've." 

Sam looks over and manages a half smile. 

"Thanks, Buck." 

"Of course."


"Buck, there are three police cars, we need a plan." Sam looks over. 

"I don't want to go to jail, Sam." Bucky says, fear spilling into his crystal blue eyes. 

"We won't. We can outrun them. How far are we from Mexico?" 

"Not far, I would assume." Sam answers, looking behind him. 

"We can make it, right? We can make it." Bucky says, trying to convince himself. 

"Yes, we can, Bucky." Sam reaches over the console and takes Bucky's hand. 

Bucky smiles at him and floors the gas pedal. 


"Oh my god." Sam looks at the map and then up again. 

"What? What?" Bucky demands, looking behind, his hands gripping the steering wheel. 

"It's the Grand Canyon! We made it to the Grand Canyon!" Sam exclaims. 

"It's beautiful."

"It's grand." Sam rebuts, winking at Bucky. 

Bucky groans, and for a moment it's just like all of their other road trips. 

But the wail of police sirens takes him out of his daydreams. 

"We aren't going to be able to run forever." Sam says. 

"So what do you want to do?" Bucky asks, slowing down. 

"Go." Sam eyes the canyon and holds his hand out. 


Sam nods, and Bucky smiles, taking his hand. "Go." 

Bucky pulls Sam into a kiss, before slamming down on the gas, the car blowing dust everywhere. 

From behind them, cops shouted, yelling at them to stop, but Bucky wasn't listening. 

This was his choice. His and Sam's. 

"Together?" Bucky asks. 

"Until the end."


yes i know this final chapter is almost nothing like the movie, but i said loosely based, so ive done nothing wrong.

anyways i really hope you enjoyed it!!! this was an au i literally never thought i would write, and here i am!!

this was super fun, so if you have any other random movie aus or prompts or dialogue from movies or anything, i will take those!!

please vote and share as well!!

thank you for reading

XOXO Valkyrie

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