I fell in love with a bar keeper? (Hawksilver Pt 2) (edited)

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A week Pietro had been going to this bar that his twin, Wanda, recommended. Of course, there were bars closer to his apartment, but Wanda said that her girlfriend's best friend works there, and so he decided to try it out.

Well, he was going to try it out, but then his now ex girlfriend cheated on him, and it was the only address already set in his phone, so he called an Uber and stumbled into the bar.

The bartender gave him his drinks and Pietro paid and he figured he would never come back, but he did. Something was drawing him back.

Like the cute bartender? A voice in the back of his mind asks, one that sounds suspiciously like Wanda.

By day three, Pietro had learned that the bartender's name was Clint, he was hard of hearing, and his friends were very loud.

Pietro walks into the bar and slides onto the barstool.

"Hey, Pietro!" Clint waves.

Pietro waves back, before fingerspelling 'H-I C-L-I-N-T'.

Clint smiles, a blush spreading across his face.

"You did it!" He cheers. "See, you'll pick up ASL in no time." Pietro smiles back. The moment is broken by Tony, Steve, and Nat coming into the bar. Clint turns to talk to them and Pietro takes that as his leave.

He drops a five on the counter even though he didn't get anything and heads out.

Clint turns to introduce Pietro to his friends, but he's gone, all that he left is a five.

"Damn." Clint mutters.

"Something wrong?" Natasha asks. "Is it my girlfriend's twin? Wanda said he's been coming in to see you."

Clint splutters. "What?"

"Yeah, Clint! I've been trying to tell him that Pietro likes him, and this dummy won't get it through his thick skull-" Tony says.

"Tony!" Clint says, whacking Tony with a towel.

"What, it's the truth!"

"You should just ask him out."

"He just broke up with his girlfriend a week ago! I'm not asking him out a week after his girlfriend dumped him!" Clint says.

"Fine, be like that."

Tony and Natasha give him matching expressions of disdain.

"What?" Clint protests.

"Not to repeat what they just said, but from what I've seen, Pietro clearly likes you. I would take advantage of that before he finds someone else." Steve says. Clint drops his head on the bar.

"What if he's straight, though? What if he just wants to use me as a rebound and I get too attached and he leaves me?" Clint mutters.

Natasha taps his shoulder a few times. "Hearing aid." She reminds him.

Clint frowns. "Sorry, what'd you say?"

"Ask him out. Better heartbreak now than regretting it later."

"But Naaaaaat!" Clint whines.

"But nothing. I know where he lives. Go ask Pietro-"

"Ask me what?" Pietro slides back into his seat. "Sorry, there's something I forgot to do."

"Nothing. Guys, can you go away?" Clint says. All three of them mock gasp, before moving to a booth while still staying in hearing range.

"Sorry about them. What did you forget?"

"Um, I might get this wrong, but-" Pietro starts. He cuts himself off and starts to sign. 'Will you go out with me?'

Clint gasps, his cheeks flaming red.

"I'm sorry, this was stupid, I'll just-"

"No, wait! Yes! Yes, I'll go out with you!" Clint says, laughing. "Your ASL needs a bit of work though." Pietro grins.

"So, what time do you get off of work?"


"So, can I pick you up at eight thirty?" Pietro asks.

Clint nods, grinning. "That sounds good. I'll see you then." 

part two!! 

pls share and comment and all that jazz 

love yall <3

xoxo val 

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