blow all my friendships to sit in hell with you (lokius)

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all my lokius fics are crossposted on ao3, so if you want a lot of lokius i have a lot on my ao3 (angelwiththebluebox) 

(art credit goes to orayasan over on tumblr go check them out!!!)


A force wave pulses through the TVA. Mobius locks eyes with B-15.

"We have to go. Something happened!" Mobius says. "But, where are they?"

"They're Lokis, they can find their own way."

"Seriously, B-15-"

"Bea." Bea interrupts.

"Bea." Mobius says. He's known B-15- Bea, the longest, it's weird knowing she has an actual name, and not just a number. "We can't leave them to die. We don't even know what happened."

"Whatever they did is causing the TVA to crumble. Our job is done, Mobius. We can go home." Bea says, a spark in her eyes.

"You can go home. I'm not leaving without Loki." Mobius says. "And Sylvie."

Bea sighs. "Alright, Mobius. Here's where I'm going to be, if you want to visit." Bea hands him a slip of paper, before programming a door and walking through it.

Mobius turns around, looking around at the slowly crumbling TVA. He doesn't know how much time he'll have before it collapses completely. Hopefully Sylvie and Loki will be able to find him.

A shock wave rumbles through as a crack sounds in the library and Loki falls out and hits the floor. He looks around and Mobius runs over to him. "Loki? Where's Sylvie? And what are you wearing?" Mobius laughs.

"Who are you? Where am I? What have you done with me!" Loki says, attempting to summon his daggers, much like the first time they met.


"Who are you that dares say my name like you know me?!" Loki hisses. Mobius backs up in shock. Something happened at the end of time. And now this Loki, who clearly isn't his , is here.

"Never mind. I thought you were someone else." Mobius mumbles, pocketing his TemPad and walking away, his feet subconsciously taking him to Ravonna's office.

He shuts the door and leans against it, breathing hard.



The TVA is completely abandoned. It had been a long long time since Mobius had seen or heard from anybody.

There's no clock in the TVA. not an actual one, anyway.

Ravonna's office is the only TVA building still standing. Clearly, she thought something like this might happen, based on all the files that had been backed up and the enforced walls.

Mobius tried to look out the window, but it's not an actual window, since he can't actually see anything out of it.

Miss. Minutes is gone, too. She disappeared when the heart of the TVA fell into the timeless void, but Mobius couldn't focus on his impending doom if he couldn't find Loki. The TVA, or what's left of it, is the only place Mobius would be able to find out what happened to him.

And Mobius thinks he's finally found something. Since Loki was the only one who came out of the door, Mobius has to assume something happened to Loki and Sylvie to cause them to split up. Then Mobius got sent to a parallel TVA, either accidentally or someone sent him there with malicious intent, and other Loki got sent in his place, as some sort of paradox.

Mobius has gone through Ravonna's research on parallel universes, and he thinks he's finally managed to track down Loki.


Mobius breathes a sigh of relief, and starts fiddling with the TemPad. They weren't originally built for this, but it shouldn't be too hard. Parallel universes normally are inverted or changed just slightly. In the one where Mobius believes a loki was sent, Mobius wasn't the analyst assigned on the Sylvie case, he had never met a Loki before.

That one small detail meant that their 'codes' were only a letter or two off, as the TVA liked to describe it as, so anyone trying to program it into the TemPad quickly might've clicked a wrong number or letter, causing Loki to be sent to the wrong universe.

The TemPad dings and Mobius cheers. He puts in the coordinates and an orange door opens. Mobius runs through it, not thinking about what could be on the other side, the only thought running through his head is that he'll see Loki again.

"I'M NOT A VARIANT!" Mobius turns his head to see Loki struggling against four guards.

His breath gets caught in his throat. Mobius runs at Loki, overpowering the guards and pushing the two of them through an orange door.

The two get dropped through the air and Loki falls on top of Mobius, knocking the breath out of both of them.

"Mobius?" Loki asks. Mobius nods and Loki lets out a sob and wraps his arms around him. "I thought you had left me." He murmurs, burying his head in Mobius's neck.

"Never. I'm never leaving you."

Loki pulls away, his eyes red with unshed tears, before smirking. He tugs at Mobius's hair.

"I like your hair."

Mobius blushes and pulls his hair self consciously behind his ear. He meets Loki's eyes and Loki smiles, one of the few real smiles Mobius has seen, and Mobius drops his hand.

"Really?" Mobius asks. Loki nods, intertwining their fingers.

And Mobius can't wait any longer. He moves forward, pressing their lips together.

Loki tugs on Mobius's jacket, pulling him closer and Mobius wraps his arms around Loki's neck.

"I missed you so much." Loki says, resting his forehead on Mobius's, and Mobius breaks. Tears stream down his face as he pulls Loki in for a hug.

"I missed you too." Mobius murmurs.

It had been hard, but they were finally together and they weren't letting each other go again.

im also on tumblr @angelwiththeblue-box if you want to come find me! 

please leave kudos and comment what you want to see!! 

xoxo val

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