For a while now (stony) (edited)

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no powers au 


Steve is self employed. He has his own art business, making art prints and selling stickers, pins, and other assorted items.

Most of the time he hung out in a local coffee shop across the street from his apartment. One of his friends, Sam works there and Bucky will often say he's joining Steve as an excuse to work up the courage to ask Sam out.

"One iced Americano and one caramel frappe." Sam sets the two cups in front of Bucky and Steve, his gaze lingering in Bucky. Steve muffles his laughter and Bucky kicks him under the table, blushing furiously. Steve opens his mouth to taunt Bucky as Sam walks away, but the bell dings, causing Steve to look up.

Bucky turns around as well, to find Steve staring at a man, around their age, with messy dark brown hair and a rumpled suit. Bucky turns back to face Steve.

"You literally just made fun of me for not talking to my crush and yet here you are. Not talking to your crush." Bucky says. Steve frowns and looks down at his sketchbook.

"Kay, but Sam clearly likes you and I don't even know his name."

"So go ask for it! Come on, Stevie!" Steve glares at Bucky. He stands up and looks down at the floor, trying to rehearse what he's going to say when he bumps into someone.


"This is it." Tony mutters to himself, pushing open the door to his favorite coffee shop. "I'm gonna do it. I can do it."

For weeks now, Tony had been trying to gather the courage to ask out the blond haired guy who almost always seems to be sitting at a table near the corner. Sometimes they're with a person with brown hair and a prosthetic arm, but for the most part, they just sit there and draw in a sketchbook.

Tony makes a beeline toward the table, his eyes fixated on the floor.

"Hi, I'm Tony, I was wondering if you'd like to go out. Hi I'm Tony, I was wondering-" Tony crashes into someone and falls to the floor, holding his arms back to brace his fall.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking." Tony looks up to see Blond Hair kneeling in front of him, holding his hand out.

"No, it's my fault." Tony murmurs, his face heating up.

"No, it's mine. I'm Steve." Steve holds his hand out and pulls Tony up.

"Tony. I actually wanted to ask if-" Tony freezes. What if this all goes wrong? What if he doesn't like me? "Would you want to go out with me?" Tony rushes. He lets out a breath and looks up at Steve.

Steve grins. "I would love to,"

"Great. That sounds good. Um, I should get my coffee." Tony says. "I'll... text you." Tony pulls a pen and a small notebook out of his back pocket and scribbles his phone number in. He hands it to Steve and blushes. "I'll see you around." Tony smiles and heads to the back of the line.

Steve turns around, as if in a daze, and sits down across from Bucky.

"So...?" Bucky asks.

Steve blushes and smiles, looking down at the number in his hand. "I got a date." 

happy new year!!!!

sorry this took so long to update schools a pain 

hopefully ill be back to regular editing schedule soon 

xoxo val

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