It's My Fault Pt. 2 (Stony)

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Steve's POV

I manage to make it out the door before breaking down. 

Tears run down my face and I run to my room. 

I climb into bed, and don't move, not until I hear a knock on the door. 

"No." I answer. 

"Too bad." Natasha says, opening the door and walking in. "What happened?"

"I broke up with Tony." I say simply, willing the tears not to fall. 


"He created a monster!" I defend. 

"He was trying to protect you." 

"Still." I pout. 

"You and Tony had something special. I know it wasn't just the psychopath trying to kill us." Natasha analyzes. "There was something else. Why did you break it off?"

"There's something big about to happen. I can feel it. Last time something like this happened. I almost lost Tony. I can't do it again." I sit up and look over at Natasha. 

She frowns. "Rogers, that's a dumbass reason to break up with someone. You know as well as I do that when Tony is hurting, he's self destructive. He doesn't sleep, he doesn't eat. I can tell you two love each other. You don't have to get back together with him, just know, you two are better together."

At that, Natasha stands up and walks out of my room. 

I lie back down and stare at the ceiling, one thought echoing through my mind. 

I shouldn't have done that. 

**AFTER ULTRON** (side note: tony and steve haven't spoken since they broke up)

"Tony! Wait, Tony!" I run after my ex. 

Tony turns around, his eyes hard as steel. 

"What do you want, Rogers." 

"We need to talk."

"We already talked. You saw how that ended." Tony replies, his voice icy. 

"Give me five minutes." I beg. "Please, Tons."

"Fine. Five minutes."

"I made a mistake, Tony. I shouldn't have broken up with you. I was scared I was going to lose you, and I couldn't bear to loose someone close to me again. I know I made the wrong call and it's my fault, but I was afraid some huge battle was coming and you'd find some way to sacrifice yourself, and I couldn't handle watching you kill yourself. It was dumb and stupid, and I regret it with every fiber of my being." I take a breath and look up at Tony. 

The younger man stares at me, his eyes softening ever so slightly. 

"You still have three minutes." Tony cracks a smile, and taps his watch. 

"Tony, I love you. I love you so much it hurts. I'm sorry I broke off the best thing that ever happened to me. "

"I know, Cap. I love you too." 

Tony smiles, and takes two steps so he's right in front of me. 

I lean down and press a light kiss to his lips. 

"I missed you." Tony whispers. 

I smile lightly. 

"I missed you too."

Wooahhhhhhh part two!!!

so sorry it's been so long, we've been having internet problems, and also. 


but i'm updating now! yayyyyy

i hope you liked it. 

i thought it was good

please vote share comment any ideas or ships

thanks my lovlies

XOXO Valkyrie

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