You didn't see that coming?(Hawksilver) (edited)

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"You didn't see that coming, didja?" He asks, before collapsing on the ground. Blood seeps through his shirt, staining the dirt beneath him.

"Pietro!" Clint shouts, dropping to his knees. "Please wake up. Please hold on!" Clint's voice cracks. The island shakes, helicarriers rise, but Pietro lays still, unmoving-

Clint wakes up in a cold sweat. That dream had been plaguing him since Ultron attacked, not one month ago. 

"Clint?" Natasha knocks on his door. The two of them bought an apartment in Brooklyn. Tony offered to renovate the Tower, giving them rooms to stay in, but they declined. You can only get attacked in a building so many times before you never want to go there again.

(Clint wasn't saying it was cursed, but it was definitely cursed.)

"Clint?" Natasha asks again.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Clint lies. Natasha raises an eyebrow, but she doesn't press anymore.

"Alright. Breakfast is in ten minutes." Natasha heads back to the kitchen and Clint flops back into his bed. How often is he going to have nightmares about it? It happened a month ago! And it wasn't like he knew Pietro that well. He never got the chance to.

Clint throws back the covers and throws on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt and walks into the kitchen. Natasha is making pancakes.

"You wanna tell me what's wrong?" She asks without turning around.

"Not particularly, no." Clint says.

"Is it about Pietro?" Clint slouches, dropping his head into his arms. "I'll take that as a yes. You know you should talk to someone. It doesn't have to be me, but you can't keep your feelings all bottled up. It won't end well."

"Because you're so well versed in the art of sharing your feelings!" Clint retorts.

"Touche." Natasha says. She sets a stack of pancakes in front of him.

"In the wise words of this dumb kids movie Tony, Steve, and I watched together, eat. You'll feel better."

Clint manages a smile at Nat and stabs the pancakes with a fork.

There's a knock on the door and Clint moves to get it, but Natasha shakes her head.

"I'll get it. You eat." Natasha says. She walks over to the door and opens it. "Hey, Clint, you're gonna want to see this."

Clint grumbles but stands up and heads over to the door. "What is i-" Clint doesn't finish his sentence.

Pietro stands at their door, his face an ashy white. One hand is bloody and clutching his stomach and the other one is holding himself up.

"Didn't see that coming." Pietro says, before his knees give out and he falls to the ground.

"Clint, help me get him inside." Natasha says. "Clint! Snap out of it!"

All Clint can see is Sokovia, Pietro's body riddled with bullets.

But this isn't Sokovia. And Pietro is right in front of him.

"Clint." Clint snaps back to the present and helps Natasha bring him over to the couch. She grabs their first aid kit from the kitchen and cuts his shirt off, inspecting the bullet holes, some of which have mostly scabbed over, but some that have opened, blood oozing from them.

"What happened to him?" Natasha asks as she cleans his wounds and puts clean bandages over them.

"We'll just have to wait until he wakes up." Clint says, taking his hand. "Please, wake up, Pietro." He murmurs.


Pietro wakes up three days later. Clint and Natasha moved him into Clint's room, since it was more comfortable than the couch. Clint hasn't left Pietro's side since he showed up at their doorstep, sleeping in a chair next to his bed, his hand still holding Pietro's.

"Hey, Clint." Pietro says, poking Clint. Clint opens his eyes slowly, before registering the voice.

"Pietro. You're up!" Clint says. "How are you feeling? How are you alive? What happened to you? Why did you come to our apartment? How did you find our apartment? Are-"

"Slowly, please?" Pietro asks. Clint nods.

"How are you alive?"

"Someone took me. I don't remember much before I escaped. I took out the surgeons working on me and I saw your name on a file in someone's office and grabbed it. There was an address that led me to your apartment."

"How are you feeling?"

"Better now that you're here." Pietro says, smiling.

"I could say the same thing." Clint murmurs, pressing a kiss to Pietro's hand.

you thought you were only getting two 

just kidding youre getting three

and this one is a lot better than the original

xoxo val

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