Song!Fic (Stony)

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Sorry, guys I really like song!fics!!!! 

(yes it's the glee version, I like that one ten times better than the OG, please don't fight me.

this will be stony, and they are together in this

***DISCLAIMER**** THERE IS SELF HARM IN THIS!!! If that makes you in any way uncomfortable, then skip!!!

Much as you blame yourself
You can't be blamed for the way that you feel

"Tony, baby, what's wrong?" Steve kneels in front of his boyfriend, who's sitting in the darkest corner of his room, knees curled up to his chest, head bowed. 

Had no example of a love
That was even remotely real

"You're not going to leave me right?" Tony takes a shuddering breath in and looks up to meet Steve's eyes. 

How can you understand something that you never had
If you let me I can help you out with all of that

"No. Tony, no! I would never leave you. Ever." Steve responds firmly. He reaches to grab Tony's hands, but Tony flinches back. 

Let me love you
And I will love you

Hurt fills Steve's eyes, and he sits back. "Do you trust me?" He asks. 

Until you learn to love yourself.
Let me love you

"Of course I trust you," Tony answers, his breath still shaky, tears pouring down his face. 

I know your trouble
Don't be afraid, oh, I can help

"Then let me help you. Let me in. Let me help." Steve answers softly.

Let me love you
And I will love you

Tony holds out his hands, and Steve takes them willingly. He pulls Tony out of the dark corner, and into the light. 

Until you learn to love yourself.
Let me love you

"Tony, why?" Steve rubs Tony's arms, red lines slashed up and down his forearms. Tony pulls his arms away and hugs his chest. 

A heart of numbness
Gets brought to life
I'll take you there

"I'm broken, Steve, broken beyond repair," 

I can see the pain behind your eyes
It's been there for quite awhile

Steve looks into Tony's big brown eyes and reaches his hands out again. 

"I'm broken too,"

I just wanna be the one to remind you what it is to smile
I would like to show you what true love can really do

Tony tentatively reaches out and grabs Steve's hand, a smile ghosting his lips. 

"We'll be broken together," 

Let me love you
And I will love you
Until you learn to love yourself.

Wow. Still sad. When I was planning this, I was thinking I could make it sad then fluffy, but nope. 

Sad. All the way through. 

I'm deeply sorry, I promise the next one will be fluffy!!!!

I do need requests tho!! And please vote and share!!

Also, check out my multifandom oneshot book, and my Superwholock book!!!!

Thanks for reading!!!

XOXO Valkyrie

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