Regrets (Cherik)

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This is Cherik, post First Class

Erik's POV

I sit in an empty hotel room. Thinking. 

With my helmet on though. If Charles could find me, he would, and after what I did to him, well, I could never face him. I can picture his crystal blue eyes shining with disappointment, pain, anger and beneath all of that, love. 

I remember the way his face contorted in pain as the bullet entered his back. 

The way he stared at me, disappointment clouding his gaze. 

I remember the way he turned away from me. 

I remember his cries, echoing in my nightmares for days afterward. 

I remember everything so clear, it hurts. 

No Erik! Snap out of it! Emotion go your mother killed, emotion led to all this, this disaster. 

If you had more emotions, Charles would've stayed,  a voice whispers in my head. 

Not true. Emotions cloud judgment. I let my feelings for Charles get in the way of my plan and it almost got him killed. 

He still cares. That's why he's searching. 

He's called out to Raven, to Angel. 

He's hurting Erik, and you're the cause!

That's right! I'm the cause! The problem! 

If Charles hadn't met me, none of this would've happened. 

Go to him, he needs you. You're lost without him. 

He'll be fine without me. 

Ask Raven, she's gone too check on him. She said he was broken, lonely. 

He's cutting himself off, Erik-

I slowly remove my helmet. 

"Charles. I don't know if you can hear me, or. read my mind or whatever, but if you are, I'm sorry. I never should have left. It was wrong for me, it was wrong to yo. You didn't deserve any of this, you didn't deserve me. I'm not worth your time. I never had been, but you found me and you let me stay, gave me a second chance and I threw it away. Raven tells me you're still looking for me, but I shouldn't have hidden. I shouldn't have taken the helmet, or let the power go to my head, because honestly Charles, I trust you. I trust you not to go rummaging in my brain, but I was hurting, and when you found me I was hurting. I latched onto the first person who treated me as a person. You. And from there, my feelings only grew. I didn't want to be hurt again, so I tried to ignore it, pushing it down, but then I hurt you. And I lost it. You meant the world to me, Charles, and I hurt you. And you said we were different, and I left, and it was the worst mistake of my life. I've been miserable. So I guess, I'm telling you this to say I'm done. Done being Magneto, done hurting you, done being your enemy, because if it means fighting you, losing you, I don't want that to ever be a possibility because I love you. more than anything, so please Charles, find me." 

Tears roll down my face. I set the helmet on the ground and start smashing it to bits. 


A day later, a knock sounds on my hotel door. I look up largely and open the door.

There in a wheelchair, sits Charles Xavier. 

Charles wheels past me, ear the bed. I sit down in front of me, looking down nervously at my lap. 

"I love you too." Charles breaks the silence. I look up, shock is written all over my face. 

" what?" I stammer, excitement and nervousness bubbling up inside me. 

"I love you. Plain and simple. I have since, well, since we met almost." Charles confesses. 

I break out in a large, toothy grin. Charles grins back shyly, before pressing his lips to mine. I push back, mirroring Charles's motions. 

Finally, I pull away, breathing hard. 

"Were you telling the truth?" Charles asks. "Would you give up Magneto for me?" His blue eyes flicker with anxiety. 

"For you liebling, anything." I smile, before leaning in and pressing my lips to Charles's.

And there you go! A long ass chapter, out of the goodness of my heart!!!

Um sorry that was a lot sadder than I meant. 

I hope you liked it, though.

please go check out my other books!!!

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XOXO Valkyrie

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