I don't even know

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Peter: imma general wheeeeeeeeee

Shuri: alexander hamilton. my name is alexander hamilton

Peter: and theres a million things i havent done

Shuri: but just you wait JUST YOU WAAAAAAIIIIIIIT

Steve: what is that?

Shuri: What is that? did you just ask that?

Shuri has blocked Steve

T'challa: Shuri, remember

Shuri: I'm not allowed to block people because they don't know what Hamilton is.

Shuri has unblocked Steve

Peter: Hamilton

Steve: What?

Peter: You're shunned.

Peter has blocked Steve

Bucky: Stop blocking Steve.

Peter: But he doesn't

Shuri: Know what Hamilton is

Tony: Peter. Unblock Steve. Or I'm confiscating your Spider man suit


Peter has unblocked Steve

Steve: How did you even do that? We are in texts, you can't finish each others sentences

Loki: Poof, it's magic


Loki: I've turned a new leaf

Thor: It is true, Midgard friends, he has. I've seen it.

Peter: Uncle Loki! You're back!

Shuri: Uncle Loki! Uncle Loki!!! 

Tony: Uncle Loki?

Steve: Uncle Loki?

Thor: Uncle Loki.

Bucky: Who the heck is Loki?

Steven: Why am I in this?

Tony: The kid wanted you in this.

Peter: Yay! Uncle Strange

Steven: Dr. Strange

Peter: uNcLe StRaNgE

Steven has left the chat

T'challa has left the chat

Tony: Kid, you scared off the doctor.

Shuri: tHe DoCtOr

Peter: iS tHe TaRdIs HeRe

Steve: Tardis?


Tony: Somebody educate Cap before the kids block him again

Loki: The TARDIS is a space/time traveling blue space box in Doctor Who

Steve: Oh

Tony: Still don't get it?

Steve: Not at all

Peter: dO yOuR fReAkInG rEsEaRcH


Peter: Sorry dad

Tony: Did you call me dad

Peter:. . . . . . .. .no

Shuri: He did

Loki: He did

T'challa reentered the chat

Steven reentered the chat

T'challa: He did

Steven: He did

Bruce: He did

Natasha: He did

The Avengers: He did

The whole freaking world: He did

Tony: Oh

Peter: Oh

Shuri: Awkward

T'challa left the chat

Steven left the chat

I don't even know what happened

I was bored. Ta da!

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Have a lovely day!

xoxo val

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