when i'm dreaming tonight i can be anyone (lokius)

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(artwork by @ josketches on tumblr! go follow them their art is amazing!!!!) 

lokius nation how we feeling after the finale?

heres a fix it fic, written at 2 in the morning. enjoy!!

"Sylvie, Sylvie, please. Let's think about this for a second!" Loki says, holding his sword out.

"Are you kidding me!" Sylvie exclaims. "I shouldn't be surprised, you do betray everyone."

"No, this isn't about that-"

"You just want the throne for yourself." Sylvie bars her teeth and lunges forward. Loki blocks and attempts to disarm Sylvie.

Sylvie moves forward, fighting dirty. Loki backs up.

"I don't want the throne, Sylvie, please!"

"I don't believe you." Sylvie hisses.

And Loki thinks back to when he was trying to convince Mobius that he was a variant, to when Mobius was telling Loki that time was fixed.

Lies are an integral part of being a Loki. And maybe it was time that changed.

As Mobius said before he was pruned, Loki can be someone good. If he wants.

And he does. And he refuses to let Sylvie fall down the wrong path.

"I told you I wouldn't betray you! I wasn't lying then and I'm not lying now!" Their swords clash together, the metal echoing through the chamber. "Aren't you tired of it. Of the killing, the running, the lying?"

Sylvie's guard drops slightly, and Loki takes that opportunity. "You're a Loki too. Think about this. Is killing him the best way to achieve your goal?"

Sylvie pauses, actually thinking about it, before shrugging. "Yeah." She leaps forward, swinging her sword. Loki lifts his and flinches as the blades crash together.

This wasn't what he wanted.

Mobius was right. Loki never wanted violence, he never wanted war. He just wanted acceptance, the ability to live his life on his own terms, not dictated by forces out of his control.

"I thought this was what we both wanted. Turns out you're just a traitor. Young Loki was right. We can never change." Sylvie says, using her magic to push Loki into a bookshelf.

Loki crashes, the books falling on top of him.

Sylvie storms over to He Who Remains, lifting her sword to his throat. In a flash, Loki is standing in front of the sword, arms outstretched.

"This isn't what you want." Loki says. Sylvie lowers her sword.

"And how do you know what I want?" She demands.

"Because we're the same, you and I." Loki says. He reaches up to put his hands on her shoulders, Mobius's words ringing in his ears.

Your connection might be able to bring the TVA down.

If there was any way that could be true, Loki had to act on it. He couldn't have Sylvie starting a multiversal war, even if killing He Who Remains felt like the easiest option.

Life couldn't always be the easy way out. Mobius showed him that.

"Sylvie, I- back on Lamentis and with the Time Keeper's, there's something I need to say." Sylvie looks up at him, a glimmer in her eyes. Before Loki can think too hard, Sylvie leans forward, kissing him.

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