I'm Just a Kitchen Boy? (WinterFalcon)

978 21 2

Royalty AU (kind of)

bucky's a guard, and sam's a cook, and they cross paths occasionally when bucky try to steal food from the head chef

sorry it's been so long

okay enjoy

Sam had Bucky's schedule memorized.

Not in a creepy way! In a 'I have to bring all the guards food, so I like to make sure that Bucky gets his at a good time'.

Okay maybe it's a bit creepy.

Sam dodged three kids running through the halls and handed plates to some of the guards sitting.

He got to Bucky last.

"Here you go." Sam hands Bucky the last plate and their hands brush.

Sam quickly pulls his hands back in, and looks down at his feet.

"I'll be by the kitchens later. For some of Cook's rolls." Bucky says, grinning.

Sam grins back, before hastily retreating back to the bustling kitchen.


Bucky watches Sam leave and grins, feeling his face heat up.

"Was that Sam?" Steve pokes his head out of the door and Bucky blushes harder.

"Maybe." He mumbles.

"What was he doing?" Bucky holds up a plate of food, and Steve takes a slice of ham.

"Hey!" Bucky exclaims.

"Oh, you don't even need to worry. Sam always gives the biggest serving of the best foods." Steve teases.


"Excuse me, I am a prince."

"You're a punk is what you are." Bucky replies.

"I could put you in the stocks."

"You wouldn't. All the other guards, except for maybe two, are boring." Bucky points out.

Steve sighs and relents. "You're right."

"As usual."

"I hate you."

Bucky sticks out his tongue. Steve just laughs and steals more of Bucky's lunch.


Sam nimbly takes four rolls and wraps them in a cloth.

Bucky walks in moments later.

Right on time, Sam thinks.

He hands Bucky the rolls, and Bucky winks at him, before turning around and walking out.

"Hey! Wilson! Go get the rolls back from the guard!" The chef shouts.

Sam gulps and follows Bucky out the door, knowing he won't get the rolls back, but he appreciates the opportunity to get out of the kitchen.

"Bucky! Bucky, wait up!" Bucky turns around and grins, causing Sam to trip.

Bucky moves forward to catch him, but miscalculates and Sam ends up accidentally kissing Bucky.

"Shit." Sam backs up. "Shit. Bucky, I'm sorry, I'll just- bye."

Sam runs away, leaving Bucky frozen in the hallway.



schools almost done for the semester, i should be able to update more then.

(if youre a spn fan, and you ship destiel, on ao3 i have two regularly updated destiel fic books @LadyHolmes221 if you want)

okay please vote, share and comment any ideas or ships!!!!

XOXO Valkyrie

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