Why me? Part 1 (edited)

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Quick A/N!!

Sorry for the long wait, I've been kinda out of ideas!!!


edit: k now there's like a lot so i hope you like the update <3

Natasha watches from her seat on the couch as Tony paces back and forth.

"I mean, I know he probably doesn't like me, why would he, but what if he does? And how am I supposed to do anything while knowing that Steve actually likes me back!" Tony rambles. Natasha sighs. She's heard this same conversation the past three days. Whenever Tony's nervous, he either shuts down completely or rambles.

Case in point. Valentine's Day is tomorrow. Natasha, after listening to Tony for the past half an hour, knew that since Steve was coming to visit later today Tony wanted to ask him out.

"Tones, have you ever considered that you aren't actually a piece of shit and people genuinely like you?" Natasha asks.

"But-" Tony starts, right as the elevator door dings.

"Mr. Rogers is here." FRIDAY announces as Steve walks over to them.

"Thank you, FRIDAY." Tony says, turning around to greet Steve.

"Hey, how are Bucky and Sam?"

"They're good. Apparently, a supersoldier and an ex air force soldier can't lift a few boxes on their own." Steve says. Silence fills the room.

Natasha stands up. "Well, this is awkward. I'm heading to my room."

Tony looks over at her, pleading. Natasha shrugs, before pulling out her phone and texting Tony

Natasha: TELL HIM

Tony glares at her and Natasha smiles sweetly before exiting the room.

It's not her problem anymore.


Tony pockets his phone and turns to look at Steve.

"So, how was helping Bucky and Sam move?" Tony asks.

"I think you already asked that." Steve says. "What were you and Nat doing? I hope I didn't interrupt anything."

"You didn't, we were just talking about-" Tony fumbles for an answer. "Natasha's crush."

He's a billionaire and invented a whole new element. How did he invent such a terrible lie?

Steve nods. Tony fidgets with the sleeves of his t-shirt.

"So, what do you want to do?" Tony asks. "Have you seen Star Wars yet?"

Steve shakes his head.

"Well, we'll just have to amend that. Come on, I own all the movies. The newest two aren't that good but the first movies are incredible." Tony sits down on the couch where Natasha was sitting earlier. Steve sits down next to him, close enough that Tony can feel the warmth emanating from his skin.

Ironic, isn't it, that the man frozen in ice for so long is so warm.

"FRIDAY, play A New Hope." Tony says.

"Of course, Mr. Stark."

The scrawling text appears on screen and Tony sinks into the familiarity of it. Things with Steve might be a bit awkward but nothing a little Star Wars couldn't fix.

Ten minutes into the movie and Tony looks over to see how Steve was liking it, only to find Steve looking at him.

Tony's face heats up and he quickly looks down at his lap.


"What?" From the corner of his eyes, Tony notices FRIDAY pause the movie.

"I just... please, look at me, Tony." Tony keeps his eyes fixated on his lap. "We should talk about this, about us?"

Tony nods, not trusting himself to form coherent sentences.

"God, I feel like I'm in middle school again." Steve laughs. "Look, I really like you, and I might be terrible at reading signals, but I was wondering if you would want to go out?"



alright updated part two will be coming soon (probably later tonight) 

thank you all so much for reading!! 

xoxo val 

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