You're an Idiot Pt. 3 (Cherik)

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Charles's POV

I take a deep breath before pushing open the doors and walking down the aisle.

At the end, stands Erik.

Erik wanted to get married a year after confessing his love. I told him that was unreasonable, so here we are. Five years of dating in secret.

We're not legitimately getting married, but my younger sister Raven wanted to be at the ceremony, and she from there decided that she would be marrying us. She's standing up there, with Erik, in a loose fitting pale pink dress, with a bow around the middle. Erik has his normal attire, complete with a black undershirt, and a red flower pinned on his lapel. (IM GOING TO APOLOGIZE NOW I REALLY DONT KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE FASHION IM SO SORRY) I look down at my slightly shabby white pants and white shirt, and a white overcoat, also with a red flower pinned on my lapel.

I reach Erik, and smile, a blush staining my cheeks as Erik smirks at me.

"Dearly beloved." (also I don't know how weddings were in the 19 somethings)(sorry, I'm really bad at this) I look down at the three chairs where Raven's husband, Hank, sits, as well as Emma, Erik's friend, (Emma's husband doesn't know. He definitely doesn't approve, so Emma had to lie) and Alex, one of my childhood friends. Hank waves a little, and Alex gives me a thumbs up.

I knew I had to tell them that I was dating Erik, even if they weren't supportive, they're my friends, they deserved to know.

And they were actually pretty ok with it, even Hank, who seemed a little stuck up, but he's good.

"Dearly beloved." Raven starts again. "We are here to celebrate the marriage of our two friends Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Francis Xavier." She smirks at me, and I growl at her quietly, before looking back at Erik, who smiles nervously. "So, I don't really know how weddings work, I've been to one, and it was my own." At this, Raven waves at her husband, like the dork she is, before straightening. "I think both of you prepared vows, if you would them now, starting with Erik."

Erik clears his throat nervously, and his eyes flick to mine, before down at his slightly shaking hands. I've never seen him this nervous.

"I'm not really too good at sharing my emotions, um, so please, bear with me." That got some laughs, and the corners of Erik's mouth twitch upwards. "When I first met Charles, fourteen years ago, but I never thought that it would lead to this. Charles and I have been best friends, though, from age ten, and I guess, I shouldn't have been too surprised, most good friendships lead to excellent relationships. Charles is one of the most brilliant men that I know. He is constantly reading. I think he's read every book in the Xavier library, and that's saying something. One of the more prominent memories I have of Charles is when we were about fifteen, and he was sick. His mother refused to let me see him, so naturally, I climbed the wall. Charles's room was only on the second floor, and the moment I rolled out of the window, and into his bedroom, Charles immediately sat up, and I swear his eyes lite up. That was... that was actually the first moment I knew I liked him. We played cards for almost three hours. He taught me how to play poker. I suck at it. Charles is amazing, like he can read your mind." I laugh, remembering that day.

Erik was so confident, and he bet his fortune.

He lost. I am in possession of Erik Lehnsherr's fortune.

That was a good day.

"I promise to always be there for you, through thick thin, sickness and health. And I promise to never leave you. Ever." Erik finishes. I wipe away a few stray tears, and with my other hand, grab Erik's. He squeezes it, and smiles gratefully.

"Charles, your vows?" I nod.

"Ok. When Erik and I first met, my first thought was 'He's going to get me in so much trouble.' I wasn't wrong. Erik got me in so much trouble our first couple years together. He snuck into my bedroom, when I was sick. What he didn't mention was that he didn't go home. He stayed the night. We slept in the same bed. He was sick the next day. But the first moment that I knew that I liked Erik was around thirteen, when we first found the tree by the river. And you tricked me into thinking you fell in, and I was panicking, and you swam out of the river, and you comforted me, and you had never showed that much care and affection for anyone else. But the first moment I knew I loved you, the first moment I knew I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life, was when I thought you were going to die. When you fell into the river five years ago, and you never came out. I thought you were going too die, and you didn't, and I realized then and there, that I couldn't bear the thought of living without you. So Erik, I promise, that no matter what, no matter broken tree branches, or sickness, or whatever stupid scheme you have planned, I will be by your side, through it all. No matter what." I promise, tears streaming down my face, and meeting Erik's eyes, I see that he's the same.

"The rings." Raven prompts. I nod, pulling my hand out of Erik's to wipe my face. Again, and to grab the ring in my pocket.

It's slender, with an onyx black finish, and gold stripes cutting through the black.

"Erik, do you take Charles to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and health, through good times and bad, till death do you part?" Raven asks. Erik nods.

"I do." I slide the ring onto Erik's finger.

"And Charles, do you take Erik to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and health, through good times and bad, till death do you part?"

"Yes, I do." I say.

Erik slides the ring onto my finger.

"You may kiss your spouse." Raven smiles, and Erik leans forward and presses a kiss to my lips. I lean forward, and moan slightly.

The sound of clapping breaks me out of my daze, and I pull away, breathing hard, blush staining mine and Erik's cheeks.

I look over at Raven, who looks like she's about to burst from happiness.

"I know pronounce you husband and husband." Cheers erupt, and Raven throws her arms around me, before heading down to meet her husband. I look up at Erik happily, and press a light kiss to Erik's lips.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too."

PART THREE!! I know it was long, and if you're like me, it's hard to read large blocks of text, but it was all worth it in the end!

please vote share and comment and ships/ideas anything!!

thanks to everyone reading, it means a lot.

XOXO Valkyrie

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