Are you sleepwalking or... Pt. 2 (Stony)

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Steve's POV

After I woke Tony, we talked all night. 

At six in the morning, I made Tony go back to bed, so both of us could sleep for at least three hours before we were forced up at nine. 


I yawn and roll out of bed, pulling on a shirt quickly and heading to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and am the first on ready. 

"Everyone ready to go down to breakfast?" Our camp counselor, Tim, asks. I nod eagerly and follow Tim out of our cabin and down to the mess hall. 

I push the door open and find the table for two that Tony and I have taken over. I take my jacket off and save my seat, noticing Tony's jacket in his chair. I head to the breakfast line, grab a plate of food, before heading back to my seat, where Tony's already eating. 

"Steve! Your cabin was late," Tony scolds as I sit down. I frown at him, before grabbing my fork and digging into my eggs. 

"So I was thinking tonight, it's supposed to be clear, we should meet out. I want to see you draw." Tony informs. I nod.

"Good. Yesterday was too cloudy to see anything." I respond. 

Tony smiles at me, and my heart flutters, before stopping altogether. 

I can't like Tony. We're friends. I'm not gay. I'm straight. Straight as the flagpole outside. 

Nope nope nope nope nope nope maybe maybe maybe maybe. 


"Hey, hey Steve are you ok?" Tony waves a hand in front of my face. I nod, a blush creeping up my cheeks. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I lie. 


"Should we- should we exchange numbers?" Tony asks. It's the end of camp. Everyone is gathered in the mess hall exchanging numbers and emails and hugging.

Tony and I got really close, but he's straight, so there's no hope for anything further than friendship. 

"Definitely," I say, and grab a pen and scribble my number on Tony's hand. 

"Hey, Steve, could we talk somewhere more private?" Tony asks after looking at my number. I nod, and Tony leads me out of the mess hall, and down the steps to the lawn. 

"Whadda need?" I ask. 

"So, it's been really nice knowing you, and what I'm going to tell you you might not like, but it's the last day, and I just... you need to know," Tony takes a deep breath. 

"IreallyreallylikeyouandIknowyoumightnotfeelthesamebutIhadtotellyoubecauseyou'releavingandIjust. Shit." Tony confesses. I tilt my head. 

"You like me? Like, like like?" I ask. Tony bits his lip nervously, and nods, his cheeks tinted pink and his eyes facing the ground.

I grin. 

"So, I guess, I'll just... go." Tony sighs and starts to walk away, when I grab his arm, and pull him closer to me.

I press my lips to his in a hurried motion of longing. 

"I like you too, dummy," I whisper, pressing my forehead against his. Tony smiles. 


"Hey! Gays! Group photo!" Natasha Romanoff, one of mine and Tony's close friends calls from the top of the stairs. 

I walk up the stairs and as I pass Natasha she winks at me. I grin. 

Best. Camp. Ever. 

alright part two!!!

and happy easter!!!!

it's snowing where I am. which is weird cus it's April. 

i thought it was still march for most of this morning though.......

quarantine is really fucking with my brain. 

anyway... comment ideas, ships anything. 

please vote and share and check out my other stories!

XOXO Valkyrie


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