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The strong scent of firewhiskey hit me as soon as we entered the room of requirement and I felt the beat of the in my bones as if it was playing inside my body. The room was dimly lit with candles and some disco lights. Having the party in the room of requirement was a last-minute change but, god, it was the best one.

"This is bloody awesome," Hugh screamed next to me, and yet it felt like a whisper.

"Let's dance," Ari says and before either of us could react both me and Hugh were being dragged to the pool of bodies that had already been dancing.

After dancing with them for some time I made my way towards the bar pushing through the sweaty dancing people.

"One Firewhiskey," I say and wait for it to arrive.

"A Firewhiskey please." A smooth voice says and I don't know why but I instantly associate it with Black.

"Drinking Firewhiskey potter, wouldn't your brother be mad" He teases and I turn my attention to him, he looked devilishly handsome in the dim lights, his eyes shined more than ever and his lips.....I blinked fast a couple of times shaking my head what was I thinking! And turned my eyes to the butterbeer that had been placed on the countertop for someone, internally cursing the fact that it wasn't my Firewiskey.

"Why do you care, black?" I questioned taking a step closer to him and he was obviously caught off guard by it but he covers it well.

"I don't." He simply states and leaves with his Firewhiskey that I hadn't even noticed arrive.

I sigh and drink my Firewhiskey. Sirius and James joined me and we drank a couple more. By then Ari had dragged lily, Remus, and Hugh to us and gotten us all to play 'never have I ever '

"Ok, never have I ever cheated on someone." Ari starts
Sirius and Hugh both drank.
"No questions right now " Hugh adds

"My turn". James chimes excited "Never have I ever broken a bone."

I took a sip and so did lily and Hugh.

"Never have I ever skipped on a bill," Hugh says

And this went on for a while.

By the time we were done, I was drunk. And so I decided to call it a night.

"Guys I am leaving." My speech was a little slurred but not enough to get James to go protective.

"Want me to drop you." He asks.

"No I am fine," I said. He was making a little progress with lily and I didn't want to ruin it for him.

I walk out the door and made my way towards the Ravenclaw common room. As I rounded at the corner a hand covered my mouth I kicked but because I was drunk it didn't go as I intended. The hand let me go and threw me towards a wall. I could clearly see the person now.

"Nott." I sneer.

He smiles sadistically "It's my revenge potter." He says and takes out his wand. My vision was getting blurry cause I had hit my head on the wall and I couldn't find my wand.

His wand was pointed at me and was about to curse when someone disarms him.

"You shouldn't have done this nott." I could hear him although not see clearly I knew who it was.

"Stay out of this black. It's between the traitor and me."

"Then don't be a coward and fight her when she isn't drunk and hurt. I suggest you leave before I change my mind about reporting this."

Nott creeps away and after a moment black comes up to me. I still couldn't see clearly but I definitely saw the worry in his eyes.

"Are you alright potter?" He asks.

"Call me Bella." The words come out before I can even register them. My mind and my vision are both foggy.

"Okay since we're drunk and won't remember this. Bella are you alright?"

"Hmm..." I say and I try to get up but stumble and black catches me. His smell is more intoxicating than all the Firewhiskey that I had drunk. His eyes looked gorgeous so up close, his hands on my back and my arm shot up fireworks and his lips..  oh his lips looked  .. so kissable.

"You are right it's not like we will remember this." And I place my lips on his. He was shocked and involuntarily pushed me closer to himself with the hand on my back. Soon he relaxes and his hands creased my body softly while I found his hair and grabbed them with a soft pull and a moan escapes from his lips. And his hand presses softly on my waist. He slowly pushes me to the wall and his lips find their way to my neck and I throw my head back giving him more area where he instantly finds my soft spot and now it's my time to moan.

Even though he was kissing and sucking on my neck very softly I am sure it's gonna leave a mark but I don't seem to care.

He pushes off of the wall and looks at me. His eyes gazed into mine and for the first time, I could see all of him without the walls he had built. His eyes very showing every scar he was hiding. And I grab his hand. I found myself drifting away but I tried to stay awake.

"You don't have to hide all the time. I promise to understand," I said and I fell towards his shoulder and drifted into darkness against my own will.

I am Finally  BACK.

It feels so good to get back to writing.😍😍

I hope you all are doing well.

And I am very sorry for the time it took to upload this but I was caught up in university stuff.

But now I will update as soon as this chapter hits 200 reads.

Happy reading

Lots of love

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora