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The weeks leading up to the end of the term were a whirlwind of studying, preparing for the upcoming OWLs. The library became our second home, and the pages of our textbooks became familiar companions. Ari, Hugh, Varun, and I formed a study group, spending long hours poring over notes, practicing spells, and testing each other's knowledge. Despite the stress, there was a sense of camaraderie among us, a shared determination to succeed.

As the day of the OWLs arrived, the Great Hall buzzed with nervous energy. Professors paced up and down between the long rows of tables, distributing exam papers and ensuring everything was in order. I felt a mix of anxiety and determination as I opened the first page of my Transfiguration exam. The questions were challenging, but NOT to my surprise, the hours of intense studying paid off.

The answers flowed easily from my quill, and I felt a surge of confidence with each question I answered. Around me, I could sense a similar focus and determination among my friends. Ari's brow furrowed in concentration, her eyes scanning the parchment, while Hugh's face was a mask of determination. Varun, ever the charmer, flashed a confident smile as he scribbled down his responses.

After what felt like an eternity, Professor Flitwick finally announced, "Quills down!"

A collective sigh of relief swept through the Hall as the tension broke. My hand ached from writing but my spirits soared - I was certain I had done well.

We exited together in a giddy rush, comparing thoughts on the exam questions.

"That practical portion was tricky, but I'm pleased overall," Ari said.

Varun nodded. "Same here. I was nervous but felt prepared thanks to all our revision."

"I'm just glad it's over!" Hugh laughed. "I say this calls for a celebration!"

I grinned at my friends. "Butterbeers are on me at the Three Broomsticks!"

Later that evening, we sat in a cozy corner booth chatting and laughing, fully enjoying our hard-earned freedom. "To Ravenclaw's brightest!" I cheered, raising my bottle. "I couldn't ask for better study partners and friends."

"Here, here!" Varun echoed. "We make an unstoppable team." Hugh sat up suddenly, an eager glint in his eyes.

"You know what we need?" he began excitedly. "One last epic prank before we leave for the summer!"

I laughed. "Of course that's where your mind goes. But I have to admit, it would be a fun send-off."

"We'd have to make it spectacular if it's our final hoorah," said Varun thoughtfully.

"Oooh, what if we charmed all the armor suits to do coordinated dances through the halls?" suggested Ari with an impish grin.

Hugh's eyes lit up. "Or...we sneak into the kitchens and slip a potion into the end-of-term feast that turns everyone's hair blue for a day!"

"Now you're talking!" I said. We all leaned in to scheming eagerly.

"Picture Dumbledore with an electric blue beard," Ari whispered gleefully.

Varun looked thoughtful. "We'll need a distraction while someone sneaks the potion in. Dungbombs?"

Hugh nodded enthusiastically. "Works for me! Those Weasley twins may have some extras."

"This is going to be brilliant," I laughed. Our minds were already racing ahead to pulling off this spectacular parting gift for Hogwarts.

Sure, we'd probably get detention if caught, but that would be the next year me's problem.


The Great Hall buzzed with excitement and nostalgia on the last night at Hogwarts. Ari, Hugh, Varun and I exchanged eager grins, ready to unleash our final act of mayhem.

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Where stories live. Discover now