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"You have gotten better at chess." Remus acknowledges as I kill his Queen. "But not enough to win against me. Knight to bishop 4E. Check and mate." He finishes smugly, and his eyes shined with pride. I giggled, "All hail chess, king Remus."

"You want to go and find the idiots," Remus asked; I shrugged. Remus takes out the marauders' map, and we scan it for their names.

"There," I said, pointing at the map, where two bubbles with their names were floating. "What are they doing in the library!" Remus exclaims. "Let's go and find out."

We made our way to the library, talking about quidditch.

As we enter the library, we find James and Sirius sitting on the floor and about ten books sprawled open between them as they scribble down something on parchment paper. "Hey, guys! What you up to?." I ask

They look up and smile smugly, "Back to school, prank." That's all they had to say before Remus turned around and walked out, mumbling, "I am not going to be dragged into another prank this time."

"Only time will tell, Remus," Sirius says, and goes back to doing what he was doing earlier. I flopped myself next to James and, grabbed the parchment paper that James was writing on, started to read what was written with messy handwriting. He tried to take it away from my hands, but I ran, and he ran behind me.

I read aloud the prank details as I ran. James huffed and stopped chasing me. I turned to the boys and raised an eyebrow, "You are going to spend at least a month in detention for this." Sirius gets up from his seat with a sneaky smile; James had crept next to me without me noticing and was smiling as well. They put their arms around me and said, "Well, it won't be just us now!" I tried to run, but they held on to me tight. James says, "You see, sister dearest, you have two options one," He looks at Sirius, and Sirius continues," You can help us with the prank and go to detention with us or," James continues," You can not help us, and we lie that you did and go to detention with us."

Satisfied with the huff that came out of me, James and Sirius Hi-Fied. Before I could say anything, someone entered the library.

Sirius's And James's faces instantly turned upside down. Both frowned at Snape, that had just walked into the library. "Professor McGonagall has asked me to give you this" He waves an envelope in our general direction, and I take it from his hand. He turns around and leaves, but all three of us stare at the envelope in my hand.

I hand it to James, "You open it."
He reluctantly takes it from my hand and opens it.

My dear babies

I know it was not the holiday you wanted, but we had to go to the mission. Your father and I have returned home and want you to come too.

Yours lovingly

P.S. The owl loves the chocolate frog.

"Oh, my god," I say, and we all start to run toward Professor Dumbledore's office. As we entered into the office , we saw Dumbledore, who was sitting at his desk, his half-moon glasses perched on his nose, and his long white beard flowing down to his waist. "Ah, Miss Potter, Mr Potter and Mr Black I was expecting you," Dumbledore said, "I see you have received your mother's Letter," He said as we took a seat. "Your parents have returned from their mission, and they want to celebrate the rest of your holiday at home. Pack your thing and return in 3 half an hour and the portkey shall be ready to take you home."

We thank him and turn to leave, "Before you go, I have something for you, Miss Potter," Dumbledore says, getting up from his desk and walking over to a cabinet. He hands me a small box wrapped in silver paper and tied with a red ribbon, "Happy Birthday It is not every day that one turns Fifteen, after all. I take it from him, feeling a sense of excitement building within me. "Open it," Sirius says, bouncing up and down with anticipation.

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