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More than a feeling by Boston blasted through the speakers. I sat on a sofa with a hot cup of cocoa in my hand and watched as people filled up the Gryffindor common for the party. Remus sat beside me with his nose in a book. I shifted a little and rested my head on his shoulder and drank the cocoa.

"Anni" Sirius came screaming down the stairs and jumped on the sofa making me spill the cocoa on my clothes. "UHH...Sirius!!!!!!" I scruffed. He chuckled and muttered a soft sorry, but went on and ruffled my hairs making them Messier than they already were.

Soon the Common room was overflowing with people and the air was filled with alcohol and sweat. I decided to excuse myself from the crowd and walked out of the room to take a deep breath of fresh air. Today was amazing and to end this day I thought to relax with my favorite activity- Reading. I made my way to the library my heels clicking on the floor due to the chilling silence in the school.

Taking a book off the shelf I walked to the table in the back. I was reading as I walked down the alley and to sit down I took my eyes off the book and looked up only to lock my eyes with a pair of dark stormy grey ones. He seemed to have been looking at me already and didn't even try to hide it. I couldn't look away and freeze in my spot. He tore away his eyes first and went back to reading. After a movement, I walked up to the chair and sat down but my eyes were still focused on the boy reading in front of me. Several thoughts swam in my mind but one overpowered all. It was like I was experiencing the fall again and again and he kept catching me again and again.

"If you keep staring at me like that Potter I am gonna hex you." His voice was calm as he said that and his eyes met mine again.

I on the other hand looked anywhere but at him. "I.. uh. Sorry. I didn't mean to." I stuttered, what does he do to me.

"Hm." He hummed with an exhale and went back to reading.

I finally gained my composure said. "Black." He looks at me with a raised brow. " I just wanted to thank you for today."

"It's no big deal. I was following the snitch anyway." He shrugged and both of us went back to reading but once in a while, my mind found its way back to the fall and my eyes to black.

A couple of hours passed and Black stood up and collected his things and swung the bag on his shoulders.

"It's late you should go back." He said and I dared to look at him. His hair had gotten messy and the darkness around us made his eyes stand out and they were staring right at me. I felt a pull, I never had before. His eyes seemed so pure but so sad my heart tugged.

He walked away without an answer from Me. But he was right I should go back. I put the book back in its place on the shelf. And walked out of the library.

I walked towards Griffindor tower but I felt as if someone was following me so I turned around but there wasn't anyone. I started walking again. I did it a couple of times before I reached the tower.

As I entered the common room the smell of alcohol and sweat hit me again. The party was still on a full blast. I decided to join the fun. James smiled widely as soon as he saw me, and he dragged me to the dance floor. I spent the night dancing, talking, and drinking.

The next morning couldn't come faster, my head was pounding and I found myself sleeping on James' bed. Everyone else was still asleep so I tiptoed out of the room and took a shower and brushed my teeth. After getting ready I made my way to the kitchen in the Hogwarts' basement. As soon as I tickled the pear a door nob appeared and I Swung open the door. As I walked in Pinky came jumping towards me " Miss Annabella, How may Pinky help you today."

"Hi, Pinky, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me Miss, and can you bring me some hangover soup." I say politely.

"Pinky must call you Miss Annabella," she said "But Pinky will bring Miss Annabella the hangover soup." She skipped in and return with hangover soup as I sat down on the comfy bean bag chair.

"Here Miss Annabella Pinky has brought you your soup." She skipped back inside after placing the soup in front of me. After finishing the soup I was feeling a lot better and left for the great hall for breakfast.

As the kitchen is close to the Hufflepuff common room and so I met Amos Diggory on the way and he insisted that he walk with me to the great hall. He talked to me about my class, quidditch, and Lily on the way there.

As we entered the great hall most of the people there were hungover and did not take a notice of us entering together but four people took the notice and one of them being James, was fuming with Anger, if looks could kill Diggory would be six feet under while the other two just laughed at this. But the fourth look was emotionless. Black's eyes stayed on me until I bid Diggory goodbye and sat across from James and Sirius, next to Remus. I looked up to fuming James and blushed a deep red as I knew what was going to follow up.

Steams were almost coming out of his ears as he dramatically places both his hands on the table in front of us and says, "What were you doing with that twat.?"

"I was at the kitchen and he met me at the corridor, insisted on walking with me!! It's not that big of a deal James." I said to which he just growls and throws a death glare at diggory.

I let my eyes wander off and they land on black who sat on the Slytherin table across me. He was stabbing the food on his plate with a fork and glaring at it as if it was Grindelwald and He was professor Dumbledore.

After breakfast, we spent the day playing board games and talking. Waiting for the first snow, which was pretty late this year.

Hello everyone

Finally a new chapter. I got the time to write this chapter because I got Wisdom tooth surgery. I removed all four of the teeth and it's hurting a lot but on the upside all I have to eat for a couple of days is Ice Cream so that's an upside!!! I hope the pain goes away soon and I can get back to my normal life and writing more and more amazing chapters for the lots of you.

And I watched season 2 of Bridgeton in the past week and Al I can think about is "You are the Bane of my existence and the object of all my desires." Fu*k . This season was something I can't wait for season 3 tho.

Also I watched this Kdrama called twenty five twenty one and I cried a river. It is so heartwarming and amazing that I had to mention it here. Do check it out. Make sure to have a box of tissues with you when you do!!!!

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter and please comment to let me know how was it. And I will try to update every 2 weeks as I have now finally finished my bachelor's and have some free time in hand.

Good bye... See you guys soon....

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Lots of love...

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Where stories live. Discover now