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Later at dinner, I couldn't help but look over at the Slytherin table; my mind was trying to understand the bipolar man that is Regulus Black, sometimes he threatens my life, and on the other well I am not sure what he does finding my books and as...

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Later at dinner, I couldn't help but look over at the Slytherin table; my mind was trying to understand the bipolar man that is Regulus Black, sometimes he threatens my life, and on the other well I am not sure what he does finding my books and asking about Sirius and then there's what he said today. I noticed Black picking at his food, uncharacteristically withdrawn among his fellow Slytherin. He kept shooting furtive glances over at the Gryffindor table. I met his gaze briefly, feeling a strange spark of electricity between us. Just as quickly, he looked away, his brows furrowed, and he stabbed his food harder.

"What's got you so distracted, Belle?" James asked, waving a hand in front of my face. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that James had made it his life mission to ruin my dinner since he heard that I had detention with Black. He hasn't left my side since I walked in with Black by my side, and that means I am surrounded by him and his goof of people he calls friends. 

"Hmm? Oh, nothing...just spaced out," I muttered evasively. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. "So, bad was detention with my dear brother last night?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows. And everyone turned to look at me. I rolled my eyes. "It was miserable, obviously. Two hours scrubbing trophies by hand with Regulus Black, of all people - what do you think?"

"C'mon, it couldn't have been that bad," Remus cajoled. Before I could retort, my friends Ari, Hugh, and Varun sat down around us. "What couldn't have been that bad," Hugh says but before anyone could answer he continues teasingly," Ooooh, are we talking about Anni's mysterious detention with a certain Slytherin?" 

I groaned as they all fixed me with eager grins. "Guys, it wasn't a fun time, believe me. We mostly worked in tense silence." Ari just smirks, "Well at least you are back alive!" Varun says and Hugh's smile flattens a little and Ari punches him on the arm he hisses and rubs the place he was punched in. "Dont even joke about that!" James says somewhat jokingly.

I hesitated, unsure how much to reveal about the volatile argument Regulus and I had gotten into over blood status. But I knew if I didn't give them anything, they'd just keep pushing, so I said, "We just sniped at each other a bit; he nitpicked my cleaning skills, I called him an arrogant and an asshole ...nothing out of the ordinary."

Ari knew I wasn't telling the whole story. But other were content thinking it is and moved on to teasing James about Lily. I tuned out James and Sirius' bickering about James' fruitless attempts to woo Lily, my eyes unconsciously drifting back to the Slytherin table. Black was still staring at his food, but Amycus Carrow was now sitting next to him, clinging to his arm and whispering into his ears.I tried to ignore the irksome sight of Amycus Carrow fawning all over Regulus, though I couldn't deny it bothered me for some inexplicable reason.

"Honestly, she's shameless throwing herself at him like that," I whispered to Ari, nodding towards where Amycus was now practically in Regulus Black's lap. "Desperate much?"

Ari followed my gaze and shot me a teasing look. "What's wrong, Anna? Not enjoying the show?"

"As if," I scoffed. "I couldn't care less what Black and his vapid girlfriend get up to." Before Ari could respond, Fabian Prewett sauntered over to our table. "Evening ladies," he said with a roguish grin, squeezing in next to me. "Fancy seeing you here."

Fabian sat down his arm draped casually around my shoulders. I look at him and say "Prewett. I haven't seen you in a while preparing for your next bout of mayhem." He blinks his eyes innocently and says "Mayhem? Me? I'm hurt, Anna. I'm just an innocent student studying for the exams." 
"Uh huh, sure. Innocent as a fox in the hen house."

He puts his hand on the right side of his chest and says "Ouch! Your words - Knife to my heart." I roll my eyes with a smile, "You heart is on the left side, you idiot." I say and move his hand to were his heart is supposed to be. He chuckles and ruffles my hairs.
James clears his throat to gain our attention. "I really wish you wouldn't flirt with my little sister in frount of me Prewett." Fab smile wide and says "Jealous Potter? That she doesn't scream at me to leave her alone like a certain red-head you seem to fancy." 

James shot Fabian an irritated look. "You wish, Prewett. I just don't care to see my sister getting cozy with the likes of you." I rolled my eyes at James' overprotectiveness. "Oh relax, we're just having a bit of fun. No need to go all stern big brother on us."Fabian grinned mischievously. "Yeah James, lighten up. Can't blame me for appreciating the company of such a lovely lady." He gave me a playful wink.I felt my cheeks flush a bit at the compliment. James looked about to jump over the table and strangle Fabian when Remus interjected in his calm, rational way.

"Alright you two, that's enough," he said with an easy smile. "James, let Anna be. Fabian, perhaps don't bring up the certain red-head, hmm?" and everyone laughed. Fabian held his hands up in mock surrender. "Fine, fine. I know when I'm outnumbered." He stood up to leave, but not before giving my shoulder a subtle, intimate squeeze. See you later Guys!" He casualy stoles down the Gryffindor table and joins his brother Gideon."Really Anna, must you encourage him? You could do much better than a scoundrel like Prewett."

"Oh hush," I laughed, swatting his arm. "You just don't like seeing your baby sister growing up. I can handle myself. Plus it's just some harmless flirting."

"just some harmless flirting, come on, Anna? Don't pretend there's nothing going on with Fabian." Sirius says and my face goes completely red. James made retching sounds. "Ugh,Prewett and my sister? This cannot be happening!"I groaned, rolling my eyes. "Oh stop, we're just friends." But the knowing smiles around the table made it clear no one believed me.

"Just friends my arse!" Sirius exclaimed. "Mate, if you hurt my best friend, I'll have to hex you. But also, nice one!" He grinned roguishly looking at Fab and he just raised his hands in mock surrender.

I groaned, putting my reddening face in my hands. I decided to change the topic and said, "what about you Siri, how's it going with Syd." "I don't know what to say it's going okay." he shrugs. James interjects, "By okay he means he has been avoiding her since we returned from Christmas break." "it's around the time you start Cha Cha Chaing, isn't it?" I say. He smiles tightly and says "I don't know what you are talking about" Ari says "you know the time you do the dance of falling out ignoring and ultimately breaking a poor girl's heart."

Hello Guys

Whats up? I hope you all are having fun. I am still on doing my thesis, It would be so amazing if I could do a thesis on Harry Potter or something fun you know. Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter. Please let me know. Also please Comment and share or just DM me how you like the story! It really inspires me to write.


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