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I decided to spend some time in the Hogwarts library, hoping to catch up on my studies and clear my mind. As I flipped through the pages of a particularly challenging Potions book, I overheard hushed voices nearby. Curiosity getting the better of me, I subtly moved closer to the source of the conversation.

In a secluded corner, I found Rosier and MacMillan engaged in an intense discussion. They spoke in low tones, making it clear they didn't want to be overheard, but their words reached my ears nonetheless.

"I'm telling you, there's something off about Black's sudden interest in Potter," Rosier muttered, suspicion evident in his voice.

MacMillan raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued. "What do you mean, off? He's had a crush on her for some time now. It seems like he's genuinely into her."

Rosier chuckled darkly, "You're always so naive, MacMillan. Black doesn't do 'genuine.' And there's no way he's suddenly turned into a lovesick fool.There's got to be an ulterior motive."

MacMillan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "You think so? What could it be?"

Rosier leaned in, lowering his voice even more, "Regulus Black is not one to fall for someone without a reason. You know him. He's got something up his sleeve." 

I felt a knot forming in my stomach as I continued to eavesdrop on their conversation. Their insinuations about Regulus's intentions left me uneasy, especially considering the doubts that had already crept into my mind after because of my conversation with Regulus himself about Adrian,

MacMillan leaned in, lowering his voice even further. "What could he possibly want, though? Potter is no ordinary girl. If Black is up to something, it must be big."

Rosier smirked, the wheels of speculation turning in his mind. "Maybe he's after some secret she's got. Or perhaps it's all a ploy to get back at someone, maybe get back to her or his brother. Black always has an angle."

I closed the Potions book and took a deep breath. I turn away and leave the library I trust Regulus, but wasn't he who had said the guys are all the same – wolves in sheep's clothing? They pretend to care until they get what they want. 

I joined James, Varun, Ari, Peter, and Hugh to prepare for Sirius's birthday party this evening. I try to push Rosier and MacMillan's malicious words from my mind as I help James, Varun, Arianna, Peter, and Hugo decorate the common room for Sirius's birthday soirée.

"Think fast!" James tosses a glittering banner at my head, jolting me from my brooding. I give him a playful scowl and return to hanging streamers while keeping one ear tuned to my friends' animated chatter about tonight's clandestine festivities. 

As the day progressed, we transformed the Room of Requirement into a festive space. The enchanted decorations sparkled with various hues, and the room buzzed with laughter and camaraderie. Despite the festive atmosphere, the shadow of doubt still lingered in the corners of my mind.

Later that evening, after the preparations were complete, We headed to the Great Hall for dinner, laughter still spilling from our lips. As I slide into place at the Gryffindor table, my eyes wander across the sea of faces until landing on one that makes my heart simultaneously leap and sink: Regulus.

He sits rigidly straight, jaw tight as the sycophantic Arleigh Mulciber trails red lacquered nails along his arm, her crimson mouth moving nonstop by his ear. I know it's foolish, but a surge of envy twists my stomach at her proximity to him. As if sensing my stare, Regulus's eyes cut to mine. Mulciber's tittering voice recaptures his attention, and the moment shatters. I return half-heartedly to my meal, nibbling absently at a roll in anticipation for later.

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