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Regulus's P

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Regulus's P.O.V

I couldn't breathe, I felt as if I was drowning, my lungs burnt and my head exploded. I grabbed the door handle next to me and tried to control my breathing, but I couldn't my mother's laugh echoed in my mind as I saw her send another curse towards Sirius. I tried to scream, but somehow Sirius endears it and not a moan out of him. I lean on the door, closing my eyes, and tried to tune out of what was happening in front of me. I tried to regulate my breathing one more time. Imagining that I am anywhere but here.

All of this started when Sirius started Hogwarts, he was always brave and didn't agree with mother and father in their blood purity obsession, but somehow before he got into Gryffindor it was bearable for them. But he was sorted in Gryffindor and all hell broke loose. I still remember the first curse like it happened yesterday. I had asked Sirius how it was like being in Gryffindor, and his eyes had shined as if it was the best thing that happened to him. He was excitedly telling my everything and mother burst out and hexed him. And that only seemed to fuel Sirius's anger towards mother and father more. And then the whole summer it was the same, even though almost every time I was sent to my room, but I still heard his screams, his scars and her laugh.

And I learned it was foolish to defy them. But it's gotten worse since Lord Voldemort has come and fueled their fire. Mother had said that the muggles got what they deserved after reading about another death eater attack somewhere in London, and Sirius lost it. Sirius said "We are all humans, regardless of our blood status. You and Father's prejudice against Muggles and Muggle-borns is based on nothing but fear and ignorance. Have you ever actually spoken to a Muggle or a Muggle-born? They're just like us, with hopes, dreams, and families that love them. You're so focused on blood status that you can't even see that there's no real difference between us. It's time to let go of this archaic mindset and start treating everyone with the respect they deserve."

In return, mother had screamed "You are foolish, Boy. Blood purity is everything. We have a duty to preserve our family's heritage and protect our race from contamination by those who are unworthy. You will understand this one day when you come to your senses." Sirius then unfased said "I don't think I'll ever come to your sense, Mother. I refuse to be a part of this archaic and hateful ideology. I will not allow myself to be blinded by ignorance and bigotry. I'd rather be known for my own actions and choices than for something as arbitrary as my blood status." And that's when it happened again

 Another hex flew towards Sirius but this time I didn't hear her laugh I opened my eyes to see what was happening, I saw Sirius with father's wand drawn and mother's eyes wide open with anger, burning. My breath somehow seemed to catch up. 

"How dare you, boy?" Mother's voice echos in the living room. Sirius doesn't seem to be fazed at all. He stared right back at her, and he says "How dare I what? Protect myself? Stand up against your twisted and cruel beliefs? Refuse to be a part of your sick obsession with blood purity? I refuse to be on the wrong said of this twisted game, Mother." His voice was like venom when he said that. 

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