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Almost two months had passed since the incident with Regulus Black, and the routine of classes and Quidditch matches had settled into a familiar rhythm. Snow had covered the grounds and everything was beautiful. Christmas was drawing closer. Adrian and I had managed to find time between our hectic schedules for another date. This time, we chose the Three Broomsticks for a cozy evening.

The atmosphere was warm, with the soft glow of candlelight casting a gentle ambiance. Adrian and I sat in a quiet corner, enjoying the rare moments of tranquility. Laughter and chatter from other patrons filled the air, creating a comforting background noise.

As we shared stories and laughter over butterbeer, the initial awkwardness from our first date seemed like a distant memory. Adrian's company was reassuring, and I found myself genuinely enjoying our time together.

After finishing our drinks, Adrian suggested a stroll around Hogsmeade. The night was clear, and the stars illuminated the path before us. We walked side by side, the comfortable silence between us.

Eventually, we found ourselves near a scheduled area by Black Lake, its gentle ripples reflecting the moon's silver glow. The tranquility of the surroundings encouraged Adrian to lean in, his lips meeting mine in a soft, lingering kiss.

As the kiss deepened, his hands began to explore, a touch that was once comforting now making me feel weird. His hand moved downward, and my mind raced with conflicting thoughts. 'All he wants is to bed you,' Black's voice echoed in my head. "No, Adrian, Stop."

Adrian's hand reached my thigh, and despite my attempt to quell the rising unease, I couldn't escape the fact that I wasn't ready for this. 'He wants you to spread your legs for him,' Black's insinuations became deafening as Adrian's hand moved closer to places I wasn't ready to explore.

The internal struggle peaked, and with a sudden surge of clarity, I pushed Adrian away. "What the hell, Adrian?" I exclaimed, my frustration evident. I wasn't ready for it, and he needs to understand that.

Adrian's response was perplexing. "Shh... it's gonna be okay," he whispered, attempting to pull me back into him. His lips sought my neck, but this time, I couldn't allow myself to be swept away.

"No, it's not okay," I protested, pushing him away with more force this time. "What the hell Annabelle?" He says, now angry, and he grabs my wrist, pinning it behind my back.

"If you're not willing to take things to the next level, Belle, then maybe we should reconsider this," he declared, his anger turning into a surprising request. The shock and hurt pierced through me. "Are you breaking up with me because I won't have sex with you?" I asked, my voice quivering with a mix of hurt and anger.

As tears streamed down my face, I looked up, and there, standing behind Adrian, was Regulus Black. It felt like a cruel twist of fate that he witnessed this moment. I pulled my wrist from Adrian's grasp, the sting of betrayal sharp in my chest. "Fuck you," I spat at Adrian before turning and running away towards the castle.

The corridors blurred as I sprinted through the dimly lit hallways, the ache in my chest growing with every step. I needed a place to escape, to process the whirlwind of emotions crashing over me.

The prefects' bathroom became my refuge. The tears I had been holding back finally broke free as I entered. I slid down the wall, sinking to the cold tile floor, the echoes of Adrian's words and Black's insinuations haunting me. Hugging my legs, I let out a cry.

In the midst of my sobs, the door creaked open, and there he was again – Regulus Black. Anger flared within me. "Came to gloat?" I muttered, my voice raw from crying.

His gaze softened, and without a word, he knelt down in front of me; cupping my face, he wiped the tears from my cheeks, "I am going to fucking kill him," he muttered, a dangerous intensity in his voice that sent shivers down my spine. I don't think I was supposed to hear that, but I did.

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Where stories live. Discover now