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My hands were shaking as I folded and refolded the same sweater for the third time as I sat in the taxi with Mum and Dad. No matter how hard I tried to distract myself over those last two days, my anxiety was reaching a boiling point. Thoughts of Regulus kept invading my mind as I half-heartedly went through the motions of packing.

"Are you alright, dear? You seem distracted," my mum asked on the morning they drove me to the station, her brows knitted in concern.

"She's probably nervous about her last first day," my dad grunted, focused on navigating the busy London streets.

When we arrived at King's Cross, James, Lily, and Sirius were already at the platform, waving dramatically when they spotted me.

I just nodded silently, willing the trip to go faster.

When we arrived at King's Cross, James, Lily, and Sirius were already at the platform, waving dramatically when they spotted me. As my parents helped get my trunk on board, James and Sirius kept up a barrage of last-minute reminders and laments about how much they'd miss me.

Lily and I ignored them and kept walking and just as I was about to board the train. James dashed over, grabbing my arm "There you are, trying to sneak away without a proper goodbye," he exclaimed, feigning offense.

Sirius sauntered up beside him, hands clutched to his heart. "Yeah, thought you could escape the emotional turmoil, did you?"

Rolling his eyes heavenward, James adopted a mockingly dramatic pose, gesturing wildly with his free hand. "Our beloved Annabelle, embarking on her final year at Hogwarts. I'm not crying; you're crying!"

"Oh the agony of parting for months on end with such a radiant presence!" Sirius added, laying the back of his hand against his forehead in a show of exaggerated distress.

Lily, who had helped me load my trunk earlier, gave the two drama queens an exasperated sigh. "Honestly you two, it's only for a term, don't be so over the top." But her eyes held an amused fondness for their antics.

Sobering slightly, James grinned and pulled Lily closer to his side, his arm sinking around her waist. "Seriously though, we really are going to miss you Annabelle. It won't be the same without our voice of reason to keep us grounded."

Sirius nodded sagely in agreement. "Too right, Prongs. However will we manage?" His signature playful smile broke through as he turned to me, gray eyes glinting mischievously. "And who's going to listen to all my endless rants about magical creatures now? You always indulge me so patiently."

"Well if it helps you sleep better at night," James said, elbowing Sirius with a smirk. Then his tone shifted wheedling as he clasped his hands pleadingly. "But Annabelle, promise you'll write us long letters-" Before he could finish I brought him in for a hug, "I'll miss you." I whisper and then I turn to Sirius and hug him as well he whispers into my eyes, "Don't have too much fun with my dear little brother, I am not ready to be an uncle yet." I swat his arm and he just chuckles Thankfully James and Lily were engrossed in talk so didn't hear what Sirius had just said making me sigh with relief lastly, I gave a hug to Lily.

"Bye, you guys! I promise I'll write loads and will save all the best stories just for you two," I assured them. I walked backward slowly, waving until I finally stepped fully into the carriage, butterflies swirling in my stomach. I stowed my trunk quickly in an empty compartment with Ari before making excuses about needing to go check on the perfect carriages up front.

As soon as I was in the hallway and out of view from the others, I hurried my pace towards the front cars. My heart pounded as I slid open the door to the Heads' carriage, my eyes instantly landing on Regulus sitting regally by the window. His grey eyes flashed to mine, and heat rushed to my cheeks.

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