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I was lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling, when Ari decided to break me out of my thoughts. "Hey, Anna What really happened during the detention?" I sighed and turned to look at her, she was already looking at me from her bed. "Did black hurt you or try to..." Before she could continue I said, "Oh. no no..." I trailed off "Why are you not telling the whole story then." I give her a sleepy smile and said "I told you everything, We just sniped at each other a bit; he nitpicked my cleaning skills, I called him arrogant and an asshole." She gave me the look of disbelief, "Come on Bel I have known you for 5 years I know when you are lying." 

"I am not lying; nothing happened. Black criticized my cleaning; I screamed at him for being an elitist and he surprisingly didn't hex me," I told her, leaving out the part of what Black said because I don't think he'd want anyone to know. She seemed skeptical but dropped the conversation. "Fine than Bel lets talk about you and Fabian." She says but I had something entity something else planned for tonight I smirked "My dear Ari, I think we talk all too much about me, why don't we talk about you." She blushed and said "What about me?"

I grinned mischievously, enjoying the sudden shift in focus. "Oh, I don't know, Ari," I teased, leaning in closer. "How about your love life? Anyone caught your eye lately?"

Ari rolled her eyes, trying to suppress a smile. "Bel, you know I'm not interested in anyone right now. I'm too busy with school and everything else." I raised an eyebrow playfully. "Come on, there must be someone. What about that Hufflepuff prefect, Owen? You have been spending some time with him, lately." Ari scoffed, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. "That's just... coincidence. We're just friends." I wiggled my eye brows saying "What about Hugh?"

"What about him?" She says trying to hide the blush that was now evident on her cheeks. I continue "He does have a way of making your face light up like a Christmas tree whenever he's around. I've seen the looks you steal, Ari. You are my best friend you think I wouldn't notice?" Ari's blush deepened, and she looked away, clearly flustered. "You're imagining things, Bel. Hugh and I are just friends too."

I chuckled at her denial "Sure, just friends. Whatever you say, Ari. But if anything ever happens, you know I'm here for all the juicy details." Ari rolled her eyes again but couldn't hide the small smile tugging at her lips. "You're impossible, Bel." "That's why you love me," I replied, winking at her. 

The next few weeks flew past quickly, and soon we were all thrown into schoolwork. 5th year and 6th year students can be found in the library only in their free hours, and even if they are not in the library, they are always reading or doing their assignments. I noticed that Black had stated avoiding me, but fortunately, I didn't have time to dwell on him. 

My days fell into a predictable rhythm of classes, homework, and occasional detentions. The castle was alive with the energy of students absorbed in their studies, preparing for exams and completing assignments. Even the Quidditch practices seemed to have an air of focused determination. As Jos prepared us for the final match we soon had against Gryffindor. Despite the workload, there were moments of respite. The occasional Hogsmeade visit, and late-night conversations in the common room, gave us much-needed breaks. 

 Every once in a while we heard about the attacks on muggleborn wizards outside the castle, leaving us even more tensed and scared. Yet we somehow fell back into the routine. The day of the Quidditch match had arrived, and I was standing between my two best friends and the beaters of our team. The atmosphere in the Quidditch stadium crackled with anticipation. The chilly breeze ruffled my robes as I gripped my broomstick, trying to shake off the nerves that threatened to consume me. I exchanged a quick glance with Hugh and Varun, our beaters, who nodded reassuringly. 

Jos, our captain, stood tall in front of us, his voice strong and unwavering as he delivered his final words of encouragement match began, and the roar of the crowd filled the air. Gryffindor was a formidable opponent, their Chasers swift and their Seeker sharp. But we were no slouches either. We had trained relentlessly, honing our skills and strategies, and we were ready to prove ourselves on the pitch.

I looked for the snitch as the game went on around me. I could faintly hear the commentators and uproars but I was too concentrated on finding the snitch that I didn't pay any of it any attention.My senses narrowed down to the rhythmic beat of my heart and the feel of the wind against my face. The Quaffle whizzed past me, but I paid it no mind. I darted and weaved through the air, my eyes scanning every inch of the pitch for that telltale glint of gold.

Beside me, Ari's voice cut through my concentration, guiding our plays with sharp precision. Gryffindor's Seeker was close, I could sense it. The crowd's noise became a distant hum as I focused solely on the hunt.

Then, there it was, a brief flicker of gold near the Gryffindor goalposts. Without a second thought, I pushed my broomstick to its limits, the wind whipping past my ears. The Snitch danced just out of reach, teasing me with its tantalizing glow.

A surge of determination coursed through me. I angled my broomstick sharply, my fingers tightening around it. The Snitch was within arm's reach now. I stretched, my fingertips brushing against its delicate wings. In a swift, practiced motion, I closed my hand around it.

The stadium erupted into a deafening roar. We had won. Oh James is going to be so fucking jealous!! As I Unmounted my broom everyone from my team embraced me in a hug patting me in the back. "You were amazing," James says giving me a hug. I smile up at him "Thanks" Ari clapped me on the back, her face beaming with pride. "You caught the Snitch brilliantly, Bel! That was amazing!" Her enthusiasm was contagious, and I found myself grinning widely.

"Couldn't have done it without the whole team's effort," I replied, feeling a surge of gratitude for the incredible teammates I had. Hugh and Varun, our beaters, joined us, their faces flushed with the thrill of the game. "You guys were fantastic," Varun said, his eyes shining with excitement. "Thanks for saving me, man." I say to Varun "That is Literally my Job Belly." It was sweetly annoying how they kept changing my pet names. "Party at the Ravenclaw Common room!" Jos announced as he was the happiest going out with a bang. And everyone cheered at the thought of letting loose.

The excitement in the air was electric as we made our way back to the Ravenclaw Common Room. The night was alive with the buzz of victory, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. Our steps were light, our laughter easy, and the weight of impending exams and dark times momentarily lifted from our shoulders. I went to the dorm room with Ari to change for the party.Ari, her eyes sparkling, turned to me with a grin. "Bel, that catch was incredible! You were like a blur out there."

I couldn't help but blush at her praise. "Thanks, Ari. It was a team effort, really."

Sydney, ever the voice of reason, chimed in, "Well, your team effort just secured our victory. I can't wait to celebrate!"

Ari nodded enthusiastically, already rifling through her wardrobe for something to wear. "Agreed! Tonight's going to be epic. I heard the Ravenclaw Common Room parties are legendary."

I chuckled, pulling out a set of clothes from my trunk. "Legendary indeed. Now, the question is, what to wear?"

Sydney, always composed, smirked at us. "I believe the term is 'dress to impress,' isn't it? Let's make a statement, ladies."

Ari held up a dress, a deep shade of blue that matched our house colors. "What about this? It's elegant but not too formal."

I nodded in approval. "Perfect choice, Ari. You'll look amazing in that."

Sydney glanced at herself in the mirror, adjusting her hair. "I think I'll go for something a bit bolder. How about this red dress? It's bold and confident."

I grinned at her choice. "Definitely suits you, Sydney. Red is your color."

As for me, I settled on a silver dress that shimmered in the light. "What do you think about this one?" I asked, twirling a little to show it off.

Ari and Sydney exchanged a glance before Ari grinned. "Absolutely stunning, Bel. You're going to turn heads for sure."

Hello Guys!

I hope you liked this chapter. I had fun writing it. Please Vote, Share and Comment. Its your support that inspires me and fuels me.


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