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I woke up with a pounding headache and in the clothes, I was in yesterday. I tried to remember what happened but my mind was completely blank. I got up. I was in my bed, I don't know how I got here. Everyone else was sound asleep and so I decided to freshen up. As soon as I turned to my dresser I found a cup with some potion and a note. The note read:
This will help with your head.

It wasn't signed but I drank it anyway. After that I went to the bathroom and after I was done with everything I came out. By this time my headache was significantly reduced. I guess whoever left it had to good with potions.

I left for the great hall, as whatever headache was left could be cured with a good coffee. I was walking as suddenly someone comes running towards me.

"Hey, belle, top of the morning to you," Sirius says as he catches up to me. I look at him. His hairs are messy he is in the same clothes as yesterday and has a devilish smile on his face.

"Morning Sirius," I reply.

"Guess where I am coming from." He says with a suggestive smirk with a raised eyebrow. This meant he slept with someone.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Please don't tell me," I say making a disgusted look on my face.

"Oh but I will." He swings his hand over my shoulder and we are now walking to the great hall together.

"You see I talked to this blonde or was it a redhead, who cares. And we ender up have s..." I cut him off by making loud noises and putting my hand over my ears and he lets out a hearty laugh. And we enter the great hall laughing. He sits next to me at the Ravenclaw table and rests his head on my shoulder and so many girls started giving me glares while Sirius keeps talking about different things.

I took the mug with coffee in it and started to drink. I ate some pancakes and drank one more cup of coffee. Today's classes were not gonna start till after lunch so everyone was relaxed and most were still asleep.

I let my eyes roam a little in the great hall. I saw some people reading while having breakfast while some played wizards chess. My eyes finally land on the Slytherin table instantly locked with the grey ones that were already looking at me. I couldn't break the eye contact.

"Hey" Sirius movies his hands in front of my eyes making me look at him. " If he's bothering you, I wouldn't mind hexing his shitty ass."

"He hasn't been," I said and we talked about his classes and other things. After some time I asked Sirius to get up. "Where are you going?" He asks

"Library and black lake."

He grunts "I'll go freshen up. And you there with James later."


We split and I went to the library. As I entered the library there's only one person who was sitting at the first table. My eyes caught his grey ones and I stopped in my track for a moment. He clears his throat and I was dragged out of my trance. I shuffle rushed to the fiction section, grabbed a copy of 'Vampires Love too', and ran out towards the black lake.

I was sitting by a tree near the lake when Fabien found me. "That's a shitty thing to read. The lead dies at the end and by the hands of her Vampire love."He says as he walks towards me.
"That's a shitty thing to do," I say.
"What is?"He sat next to me 

"Ruining a book for someone," I said jokingly.

"You think I read that?" He let out a hearty laugh "I don't even read course work" and we started talking. Soon my book was left forgotten.

After an hour my brother and his friends and my friends and Gibeon joined us.

We all laughed and talked until lunch. When we were all making our way to our respective classes fab takes my book from my hands and walks me to the classroom.
As soon as I take the sat next to Ari she starts "Someone has a crush."

"I don't have a crush Ari," I say

"I am not talking about you, sweety."

"Then who you talking about.?"

"Fab, he has got a crush on you."

A blush creeps up to my cheek.
"And as far as I remember you liked him"

Professor McGonagall enters and we go silent but my mind was running with thousands of thoughts of fab.
If he likes me there's no harm in dating him I guess.

After all, classes ended I was tired and decided to skip dinner and go to sleep since I had no perfect duties.

I was walking towards the Ravenclaw tower and I could hear footsteps but there was no one behind me.

Saying the riddle I enter the tower and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the bed.

I know it's a short chapter but I hope you liked it.

Please tell me if I should have Fab and Annabelle date or not.

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Where stories live. Discover now