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The weekend couldn't come fast enough. As Professor Binns droned on and on about goblin rebellions, I watched Regulus from the corner of my eye. His long fingers rapped an anxious beat on the desk, the only hint of his inner turmoil. He stared straight ahead, his face an emotionless mask, but his foot tapped out a restless rhythm on the stone floor.

My thoughts wandered as I studied his tense profile. Would he really go through with it this weekend? He'd been so tight-lipped about his plans for the upcoming Hogsmeade trip. I wracked my brain, wishing I could find the right words to make him open up to me. He always shut down when I brought up sensitive topics, hiding behind a wall of aloof indifference.

The minute hand on the clock seemed to be moving through molasses. I fidgeted in my seat, chewing on the end of my quill as scenarios, each worse than the last, played out in my head. I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that something ominous lurked in wait this weekend. If only there was some way I could stop him or change his mind...

I grabbed a butterbeer from Rosmerta and squeezed into the booth with Hugh and Varun. Ari sat across from us, sipping a fire whisky. Amid the background noise of clinking glasses and laughter, their conversation washed over me. I pretended to listen with interest, nodding along, while my thoughts kept drifting to Regulus.

"We should all try to get jobs at the Ministry after Hogwarts," Hugh said, gesturing so animatedly he nearly spilled his drink. "Varun and I have it all planned out, don't we mate?"

Varun grinned. "Too right. With grades like ours, we'll have recruiters knocking down our doors."

"Oh please." Ari rolled his eyes. "The Ministry's corrupt. I'm not going to waste my talents pushing paper and kissing arse all day. I'm going to see the world, meet interesting people..."

Their chatter faded into the background as scenarios once again flashed through my mind. Where was Regulus right now? Had he already met with Him? My stomach roiled as I imagined Regulus kneeling at the snake-like feet of the Dark Lord, the leering Death Eaters circled around. Was he frightened? In over his head? Every fiber of my being longed to run out and find him, to rescue him before -

"Earth to Anni!" Ari's voice startled me out of my spiraling thoughts. They were all staring at me expectantly. "We asked what your plans are after Hogwarts."

"Oh, erm...I haven't decided yet." I took a swig of butterbeer to cover my flush of embarrassment.

Their conversation moved on as my worries consumed me once more. What would I do if Regulus never came back from this? I shook my head sharply. I couldn't afford to think like that. He had to come back. He just had to.

I made excuses to my friends and wandered alone down High Street, unable to bear their cheery chatter when my mind was consumed with worry for Regulus. I peered into shop windows unseeingly, the colorful displays blurred by my anxious thoughts.

A cold October wind whipped my scarf about and I shivered, shoulders hunched against the chill. The weather matched my gloomy mood. I should head to the Three Broomsticks to warm up with another butterbeer, but the thought of forcing bright small talk was unbearable.

My feet carried me towards the Shrieking Shack almost unbidden. I picked my way over the fence, ignoring the "Danger, Do Not Enter" sign. Moving helped calm my racing thoughts, if only a little. I trudged through the overgrown weeds and untended grass, the distant shrieks and moans barely registering in my preoccupied mind.

I sank down heavily onto an old fallen log, heedless of the lichen and dirt. Burying my face in my hands, I finally released the tears I'd been fighting to hold back all day. Fear and helplessness overwhelmed me. A twig cracked behind me.

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Where stories live. Discover now