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Taking a deep breath in, I took a moment to study the busy atmosphere on the first day of classes. The hallways of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were abuzz with excitement and anticipation as students bustled about, finding their way to their respective classrooms. In here we can forget all about the war outside and learn and grow, but now it seems to get harder to forget.

The shifting sea of robes and the chatter of voices filled the air, creating a vibrant energy that was both familiar and invigorating. Students from all houses rushed by, catching up with friends and exchanging stories of their summer adventures. The castle seemed to come alive once again. I watched as Professor McGonagall made everyone rush into classrooms.

As the minutes ticked away, I adjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder and joined the flow of students making their way to the classrooms. I entered the DADA classroom and took a moment to find an empty seat and settle in. The chatter gradually died down as the professor stepped to the front of the room. 

Clearing their throat, Professor Marwick addressed the class, her voice steady and confident. "Welcome, students, to Defense Against the Dark Arts. This semester, we will be delving into a wide range of topics to prepare you for the challenges that lie ahead. But before we begin, I want to acknowledge the reality of the war that surrounds us."

A hush fell over the classroom as Professor Marwick's words hung in the air. It was a stark reminder that even within the safe walls of Hogwarts, we were not immune to the darkness that loomed beyond. We all knew that Voldemort and his followers, the Death Eaters, posed a threat to the wizarding world, and it was our duty to be prepared.

"But," Professor Marwick continued, her tone filled with determination, "we must not let fear consume us. Hogwarts has always been a beacon of hope and resilience; together, we will face these challenges head-on. Through knowledge, practice, and a united front, we can stand against the forces of darkness."

Her words resonated with each of us, instilling a sense of courage and determination. We were not just students; we were witches and wizards capable of defending ourselves and others. The classroom felt charged with purpose, as if we were ready to embrace and apply the lessons in the real world.

"We will learn a range of Defensive enchantments, Counter-curses, and jinxes, and most importantly, we will learn to cast a Patronus Charm," Professor Marwick announced, their voice resonating with authority and excitement. "Open page No. 430 in your textbooks; we shall learn Defensive enchantments today."

Flipping open my textbook to page 430, I scanned the words and diagrams, trying to absorb as much information as possible. The Protean Charm and the Imperturbable Charm—these were powerful enchantments that could shield and fortify, skills that were invaluable in the face of dark magic.

Professor Marwick walked around the classroom, observing each student's engagement and readiness to dive into the lesson.

"Defensive enchantments are essential in protecting oneself and others from dark magic," Professor Marwick began, pacing back and forth at the front of the classroom. "They can provide a shield against curses, repel dangerous creatures, and fortify objects to resist dark influences." Quills poised to take notes as Professor Marwick continued. "Today, we will focus on two important defensive enchantments: the Protean Charm and the Imperturbable Charm."

Professor Marwick conjured a small, transparent shield in front of them, demonstrating the Protean Charm. "The Protean Charm, also known as the Protego Protean, allows the caster to create a temporary shield that adapts to the type of magic directed towards it. This enchantment is particularly useful when facing a variety of spells from different adversaries."

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