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The first week of sixth year was off to a slow, easy start as professors eased us back into lessons. Having all four houses together in each class was an adjustment but mostly a welcome one.

Of course, James was thoroughly distracted by being in close proximity to Lily so often. As Head Boy and Girl, they had their own private common room too, which James was quite chuffed about.

"Reckon I'm making progress with Evans," James says as he joins me at the Ravenclaw table with sirius. "Having our own space means more quality time together."

I hid a smile. "Just don't scare her off by being too eager, Romeo."

James shot me a mock offended look. "Have some faith! I'm playing it cool, being helpful and considerate."

Sirius let out a loud guffaw that drew glares from nearby Ravenclaws, who were trying to study. "Sorry, sorry," he choked out, trying to stifle his laughter. "It's just hard imagining you as 'cool and considerate' around Lily."

James elbowed him sharply, but couldn't keep a small grin off his face. "Laugh all you want, but this is my year. I can feel it!" I sincerely hoped James was right.  

"You know James, you could try to be her friend first." Hugh says

"Why?" James asked with furred eyebrows. Hugh gave James a meaningful look. "Well, think about it. You coming on strong has always backfired before. But if you focus first on just being a good friend, letting her see the real you, it'll seem less forced."

James looked thoughtful. "I suppose that makes sense...taking it slowly, getting to really know each other as mates first."

Sirius nodded approvingly. "Not a bad idea at all. Build a foundation of genuine friendship, let her warm up to you. Play it subtle."

"Exactly," Hugh agreed. "Don't try to rush romance. Just be supportive, show interest in her life, and the rest could develop organically."

James ran a hand through his hair contemplatively. "You're right...I always try to dive straight into flirting without establishing a connection. Maybe if I just spend time with Lily, make her laugh and feel comfortable around me, it'll happen naturally."

I smiled supportively. "See? You're already learning more about thoughtful relationship-building. I'm proud of you, James."

Sirius clapped him on the back. "Our little Jamesy is growing up! Soon you'll charm the knickers off Evans."

"Padfoot!" James groaned, ears reddening. James' embarrassment at Sirius' crass comment was short-lived as Sirius changed topics. "Now that we've thoroughly analyzed Prongs' love life, let's discuss tomorrow's back to school party!"

I perked up, having forgotten about the traditional start-of-term bash. "Oh yes, that's right! Where's it being held this year?"

"The Room of Requirement again," Sirius replied. "We've already snuck in some...provisions," he added with a roguish wink.

Hugh laughed. "And I have to say, I'm intrigued by these 'provisions' you mentioned, Sirius."

Ari joined in with a playful grin. "Yeah, Padfoot, don't hold out on us. What did you bring?"

Sirius leaned in closer, his voice low and conspiratorial. "Ah, my dear friends, let's just say we have enough Firewhiskey to keep the party going until dawn, and a few other surprises."

James nodded, excitement in his eyes. "It's going to be a legendary night. The perfect way to kick off the school year!"

After that James and Sirius went back to their table, and we start chatting about our summer and Hugh told us about italy.

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Where stories live. Discover now