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I'm sitting on my bed with Arianna, textbooks scattered around us half-forgotten as we gossip as we waited nightfall. We were going to have small party in the Head commonroom with selected few. Ari and I had finished classes earlier than others hence here we were.

"Ugh, I just wish I knew if Hugh actually likes me," Ari sighs dreamily. "We flirt all the time, but I can't tell if he wants it to go further."

I grin, patting her hand reassuringly. "Trust me, that boy is completely smitten! You should just ask him to Hogsmeade next weekend."

Ari blushes but looks pleased. We try to refocus on studying, but mostly end up discussing boys and Quidditch.

Soon all our friends - Mary, Alice, Ari, Hugh, Varun, Izvak and Regulus came in and we all start to engage in lively chatter while drinking Firewiskey.

"Let's play 'Never Have I Ever'!" Ari suggests tipsily. We all agree eagerly.

"Alright...Never have I ever gotten a Troll on an exam!" Mary says. Hugh and Varun drink while we laugh.

"Never have I ever been to the kitchens after midnight," Hugh counters. Only Reg, Izvak and I drink.

Regulus's turn, "Never have I ever skipped a meal in the Great Hall to avoid someone." I shot him a playful glare, and he winked in response. I take a shot and so does Mary and Varun.

I grin mischievously. "Never have I ever had a crush on Professor Waterby!" The girls erupt in giggles and all take drinks. Regulus' eyes widen as he whispers in my ears "You too?" I just shrugged smirking and he rolls his eyes.

The firewhiskey flows freely as our friends lounge on couches and pillows strewn across the common room. Laughter rings out amid colorful sparks from our wands as we continue our revealing game.

When it's Regulus's turn, his eyes glint devilishly. "Never have I ever sneaked into an off-limits area of the castle after hours."

Nearly everyone drinks, groaning good-naturedly.

I tap my chin, thinking. "Never have I ever had a pregnancy scare."

Arianna gasps dramatically while Regulus nearly chokes on his firewhiskey. Hugh thumps him on the back, chuckling. While Alice take a sip and we all gasp "Alice! When?" I ask 

"In summer." she blushes deep red.

"Alright, here's one!" Arianna giggles. "Never have I ever given or received a love bite!"

I take a quick sip, heat rising in my cheeks as Regulus smirks knowingly at me. Mary drinks too, looking embarrassed.

Emboldened by drink, Varun asks his boldest question yet. "Never have I ever fantasized about someone here right now!"

Raucous laughter meets this reveal. One by one we drink, stealing glances at each other and blushing deeper. Beside me, Regulus drains his entire glass, eyes locked with mine. Heat that has nothing to do with the whiskey floods my veins.

"Oooh, scandalous!" Arianna titters. "Alright, how about...never have I ever gotten off in public!"

I hesitate briefly before taking a sip, my blush renewing as Regulus smirks as Varn and Hugh pat his back. Across the room, Izvak drinks too, laughing bashfully as Hugh whistles. Alice and Mary take a sip as well making Ari goarn "I am the only one who hasn't gotten off in public." 

"We can change that right now baby." Hugh says and He moved towards her, but Varun intercepted, catching the daring boy with a shoulder check as we all collectively screamed, "NO!". Soon we're all laughing again, the atmosphere bright with harmless mischief. 

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