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I slid into the seat next to Ari in the Great Hall, grabbing a piece of toast.

"So, how was working with dear Regulus yesterday?" she asked. I groaned, remembering the tense Amortentia lesson.

"About as pleasant as you'd expect. We just sniped at each other the whole time."

Ari gave me a sympathetic pat. "Maybe it will get better? You're sort of stuck together."

"Merlin, don't remind me," I sighed, taking a dejected bite of toast. This partnership was my own personal hell.

"How about you what was working with Mclaggan?" I smirk and she rolls her eyes "As pleasant as working with Black."

"He fancies you, you know?" Ari said, My head snapped in her direction "What?"

"Yeah! Kept saying how hot you are and if I would ask you if you'd like to go out with him." She says rolling her eyes

"And what did you say, this isn't you as-" She interrupts me " no I told if he want to ask you out he can do it himself."


James appeared then, interrupting our conversation, "Morning, ladies! Anna, just who I was looking for."

I noticed the Head Girl badge pinned neatly to his robes, a first.

"You're looking proper today," I noted. "What's the occasion?"

James smiled self-consciously. "Yes, well, Lily mentioned she appreciates me taking the Head Boy role seriously..."

Ari and I exchanged smiles. "Looks like Operation: Woo Lily Evans is in full effect," Ari whispered to me.

"I'm going to the library to work on our Charms presentation," James continued. "Lily usually studies there Saturday mornings. Thought I'd, you know, show initiative and all."

He said this with feigned nonchalance, but I recognized the hopeful glint in his eye. My big brother really had it bad.

"That's a brilliant idea!" I encouraged. "Offer to help her study. And listen more than talk, remember?"

James nodded, whistling anxiously as he headed off to orchestrate his "casual" library run in with Lily. Chuckling, I wished him luck. My reckless brother might just win her over yet.

After breakfast, Ari and I wandered down to the lake. The air still held the crisp scent of autumn. I smiled, breathing it in, letting the wind tussle my hair gently. Moments like this reminded me that life was mostly good.

Spotting Hugh and Varun lounging under a tree, we joined them. Varun was idly levitating leaves while Hugh sketched in his notebook, face intent with concentration. He glanced up as we approached and waved.

Something in his expression shifted ever so slightly seeing Ari. I suppressed a knowing grin. Hugh had harbored this sweet, unspoken crush on her for ages. Someday he'd muster the courage to tell her.

"Did you finish that dreamy Welsh landscape for art class?" I asked Hugh, peeking at his sketchbook.

He nodded enthusiastically. "Just about finalized it, I think. What do you reckon?"

The colors of the hills and sea popped beautifully against the parchment. "Gorgeous as always," I proclaimed. Hugh really was tremendously talented.

We passed the peaceful hour laughing and chatting aimlessly. Varun charmed a flock of leaves to swirl elaborately around our heads at one point. It reminded me of that spectacular magical snowfall the Marauders had enchanted in the Great Hall.

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Where stories live. Discover now