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It's been a couple of busy weeks since the potions class, and Regulus has been just as bold as he was during the class. It seemed anytime our eyes met across the Great Hall or in passing through the corridors, he would flash me a cheeky smile my way, accompanied by a wink that set my heart racing and thundering in my chest. His words, casually uttered yet laced with undeniable charm, had a way of leaving me weak in the knees. With each encounter, maintaining my composure became an increasingly challenging feat.

While I haven't missed anymore, being too distracted with Regulus. Prefect Patrols have proven to be the most challenging, Regulus seems to take pleasure in seeing me flustered. I've been incessantly pestering Lily to consider changing my patrol partner.

"Come on Lily." I pleaded. "You have no idea how hard it has been with Regulus Black as my patrol partner."

Lily folded her arms. "What exactly has he done that's so unbearable and made it so hard for you to be his partner."

"He... I... He has..." I stuttered, finding it surprisingly challenging to articulate the full extent of Regulus's distracting antics without giving away too much.

Lily raised an eyebrow, "Yes? What terrible thing has Regulus Black done?"

"Nothing!" I said in a rush. "He hasn't really done anything. He just bugs me, that's all."

"He...bugs you," Lily repeated slowly. "So nothing inappropriate or rule-breaking. You just find his presence irritating. So no actual valid reason to change partners," she concluded

I could tell there was no point arguing further. With a dramatic sigh, "Okay, fine. He flirts, teases, and I don't know how to handle it. It's distracting, and I can't concentrate on the task at hand."

Lily looks at me, completely surprised. "Flirting trouble? Welcome to the club. I have been stuck with our brother's ridiculous flirting for 6 years, I am sure you'll survive 6 months."

I grew irritated and began rambling, "It's not the same. James is... well, James, and you are... you. You weren't finding it hard to resist him. If this continues for too long, I might absolutely and insanely fall for him-" I abruptly stop, realizing what I had just admitted. Shit Shit Shit. This is so bad. Ari, Hugh, Sirius and now Lilly. Why can't you just keep this to your self Bel?!!

Lily raises an eyebrow, "...fall for him?"

I stammered, my face heating up, ""You know how I am, Lily, always using exaggerated expressions. Falling for him? You know, a sarcastic exaggeration. Me, fall for him? As if! ." I chuckle nervously..." Okay! Good talk I'll... I'll deal with him... Bye Lil." I say and leave before she could say anything more.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration, I hurriedly left Lily's company and made my way to the Gryffindor common room. The weight of my unintentional admission lingered in my thoughts as I climbed the familiar staircase to our dormitory.

Once inside, I collapsed onto my bed, letting out a groan of frustration. Why did I have to blurt out my feelings like that? Now Lily knew, and I couldn't shake the anxiety about who else might find out. My mind raced with thoughts of how to navigate the situation, and my stomach churned with a mix of nervousness and regret.

As the minutes ticked by, I decided to skip my last class, History of Magic, and dinner. I was just too tired to get out of bed. The events of the day had left me emotionally drained, and I welcomed the solitude of my dormitory.

As I lay there, the familiar ache of period cramps began to settle in. My initial frustration now compounded with physical discomfort, well at least now I know why I blurted it out and why Regulus's words affect a lot more. The pain intensified, and I groaned, clutching my stomach. It was then that Ari, my roommate, entered the room.

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Where stories live. Discover now