Guess What?

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I need my Brain to stop coming up with new stories now.......But guess what, since it hasn't! I have another story up. ISHQ

As I said in the previous chapter its about an Indian OC and Regulus Black. Represent guys, we need more of it as you all mentioned. Its going to be kind of Enimies to enimies with benifits to lovers story and I'll start updating soon as I finish a couple of chapters first. But here is a short teaser for you all.


"There you are!" Daisy exclaimed as Rhea approached. "We were taking bets on whether you'd actually show up willingly to a snake pit social event after your horrible tutoring sessions."

Rhea rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Yes I know. But Saanvi insisted and it's not like I had detention or extra homework to use as an excuse."

"Well you look great so shall we head in and see what posh entertainment these aristocrats have arranged?" Gillian asked.

The unlikely trio made their way inside the opulent emerald and silver decorated Slytherin domain. Rhea spotted her sister easily among a stylishly dressed circle of friends.

Saanvi waved them over excitedly. "You made it! Come on, let me fix you girls some drinks."

Rhea had known that the Slytherins knew how to throw a lavish party, but this time it was just too amazing with ornate ice sculptures adorning the refreshments table and graceful violin melodies filling the common room. She glimpsed Regulus holding the court by the fireplace, surrounded by his Quidditch teammates and plenty of admirers.

Great. The insufferable winner was no doubt boasting about his critical capture of the Snitch and rubbing salt in the Ravenclaw team's defeat. Rhea deliberately steered in the opposite direction, not in the mood to deal with Regulus and his pretentious pureblood sycophants fawning over him.

Saanvi returned levitating a tray with several emerald cocktails. "Here, this special drink I invented is called Venom. Hope that's not too ominous for Gryffindors," she winked playfully.

Rhea sampled the surprisingly sweet concoction, enjoying the fruity flavor with hints of spice and assumed alcohol. She spent the next hour dancing and laughing freely with her friends and sister, the mysterious Slytherin beverage keeping her glass perpetually full.

"Glad you're finally letting loose," Saanvi murmured fondly, as they twirled across the makeshift dance floor. "You always get so tense and serious lately. Have some fun tonight!"

Rhea smiled brightly, the drink buzz making her feel lighter. "You were right, I did need a night off from all the school stress. I should sneak into Slytherin parties more often!"

Eventually her Gryffindor friends drifted off in search of desserts or bathroom breaks. Rhea decided to step outside the noisy common room for some fresh air, the combined body heat and effects of several cocktails finally getting to her.

Out in the blessedly cool dungeon corridor, Rhea leaned against the stone wall, admiring an ornate serpent carving and idly wondering what other secrets this castle held. She didn't even notice Regulus until he was right beside her, also escaping the party briefly.

"Well you certainly are embracing the Slytherin atmosphere tonight," he commented, eying the prominent serpent decorating her top.

Rhea laughed, less inhibited thanks to the alcohol and festive ambience. "I'll have you know this shirt was a gift from Saanvi ages ago. But yes, everything in here is so wonderfully extravagant. Figures your House would find any excuse to flaunt wealth."

"Finery and celebration of victory are time-honored traditions," Regulus said smoothly though his lips quirked a bit ruefully. "And I did warn you Slytherin would win today. Not that you believed me capable."

"I admit you were right about winning the match," Rhea conceded, turning to face him fully. The flickering green torch-light played across Regulus's sharp features, making his stormy irises flash brightly. Had his eyes always contained tiny silver flecks?

"Well done on spectacularly capturing the Snitch as usual," Rhea praised sincerely. "Clearly your confidence in your abilities is warranted. You fly exceptionally."

Regulus blinked rapidly as if unprepared for her earnest compliment. Then he tilted his head, observing her carefully.

"How much Venom has your dear sister plied you with tonight?"

Rhea laughed again. "Why? Because I'm actually being nice instead of combative with the dreaded Slytherin Prince?"

She poked a finger lightly into his chest. "Perhaps I simply wanted to congratulate your success without the posse present."

Regulus glanced down in bemusement at her finger still lingering against his emerald and silver tie. When he lifted his gaze back to hers, Rhea was startled by the suddenly intensified attraction there. She swayed slightly, pulse quickening as Regulus slowly leaned closer...

Teaser Over

So tell me how you like it!!! 


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