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"Focus, Potter! What good is an Auror who cracks under pressure? Raise your wand again and Protect yourself - Crucio!"

Mad-Eye Moody's harsh tone barely cut through as I deflected it.

Moody's Cruciatus curse bounced off my shield charm, dissipating into the air.

"Not bad, Potter," Moody growled. "But you must be prepared for a barrage of attacks. Death Eaters won't stop at one!"

He immediately sent three curses flying my way in quick succession. I deflected the first two, but the last one caught me in the shoulder, pain flashing through me. I grunted, maintaining my footing.

"Constant vigilance!" Moody barked. "Now, return fire!"

Taking a deep breath, I went on the offensive, unleashing a flurry of hexes and jinxes. Moody blocked them with ease, cackling. "Come on, is that all you've got?"

With a yell, I cast an explosive spell at his feet. Moody narrowly avoided it, the blast singing his coat. Before the smoke cleared, I disarmed him with a well-placed Expelliarmus.

His wand flew into my hand. Moody stared at me, then his face creased into a grin. "A dirty trick worthy of a Death Eater. Using their own underhanded tactics against them - that's the way to win this war! You'll make a fine Auror yet, Potter."

Moody's scarred face appeared above me, his magical eye whizzing. "Well done, lass. Five minutes this time. You'll make a fine Auror." He stumped off, leaving me still gasping through the spasms of pain.

So I straightened up, wiped the sheen of cold sweat from my brow. It's been nearly three months since Regulus and I graduated from Hogwarts. I haven't seen or spoken to him even once in that time. The only person still in contact with him is Dumbledore.

No one else knows that Regulus turned spy for our side before graduation. He now stands high in the Dark Lord's inner circle, constantly risking his life to secretly funnel information to the Order through Dumbledore. It kills me not knowing what dreadful things Regulus endures to maintain his cover.

But Dumbledore insists any direct communication could blow Reg's position as a double agent. He also confided to me that he suspects there is a traitor among our own ranks, someone working secretly for Voldemort and reporting back to him. So contact with Reg needs to stay extremely limited.

The intensive Auror training program keeps me beyond busy - constantly studying dark magic and dueling, going on simulated missions, and preparing for stealth and investigative operations. It's grueling but I'm determined to graduate top of my class so I can join the fight against Voldemort as soon as possible.

My rare free time is spent on Order missions and operations. Between the two, I barely have a moment to breathe. But I prefer it that way honestly. It leaves less time for worrying or feeling Regulus' absence so sharply. Varun and Hugh are working at the Ministry as they planned. Ari has joined me in Auror training. Oh, and Hugh and Ari got Married.

The one bright spot lately has been Lily's pregnancy. She's due to give birth any day now and I can hardly contain my excitement at becoming an aunt. I swear James is even more anxious than Lily, showering her with attention and accommodations, and reading parenting spellbooks well into the night.

We decided I should move into their cottage for the week leading up to the birth in case Lily goes into labor while James is away on Order business. So I packed my bag and headed eagerly to support my surrogate sister and welcome my little niece or nephew.

Part of me aches wishing I could share news of the baby's upcoming arrival with Regulus. But the hurt has dulled to a familiar pang after all these months without contact. As I am done packing I hear a thud downstairs.

Annabelle ♡ Regulus  Black ♡Where stories live. Discover now