Chapter One

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The harry potter universe rightfully belongs to J.K Rowling with exception of my original characters.

If You people like the story enough, I might turn it into a series. So keep commenting and keep the love coming. If you have any suggestion or requests feel free to leave a comment or a dm me.



Annabelle stood in the kitchen listening to two of the most annoying people bicker about something that she wasn't interested in. One of the two people being her brother, James Potter, and the other one was his best friend, Sirius Black. Annabelle remembers the first two things he said when he got off the train when he returned for Christmas - one, I will marry Lily flower, she has these beautiful green eyes, you will love her too Anny- Two, You should meet my three new friends they are the best and one of them is Sirius Black he's coming to stay with us after Christmas eve. And since that year Annabelle is known as Sirius Black.

Now it's almost been six years since the day that Sirius black came to their house and he has become a family member. An older brother to Annabelle and another son to her parents. She sipped hot chocolate as she sniffled sometimes when either of them insults the other and earned herself some glares from both the boys.

All of a sudden a bird flew through the window and dropped a letter on the island in the kitchen near Sirius. All three of them eyed the letter. Sirius had recognised the owl instantly as his mother's and sprawled across the front was Sirius' name in curvy pretentious handwriting. Neither Annabella nor James knew what to do or say. Both of them were carefully looking at Sirius who had cautiously reached out for the letter. He opens the letter and Reads letting out a sigh at the end. And throws the letter back on the Island.

"It's from Her," Sirius said " It says that if I want my things I should go there by today and take them. Otherwise tomorrow they will burn everything in my room."

"I'll go with you" James said instantly as if he had practised it a million times in his head."No James, I have to do this on my own." Sirius said sincerely and went to the fireplace Both the potters looked at each other in concern and they knew that he was right. They had anticipated this ever since Sirius had shown up at their doorsteps drenched in rain with blood on his face, they just hoped it wasn't a trap.

"So Anny." James said trying desperately to avoid thinking about Sirius "OWLs this year. Think you can do better than me?" He had a cheeky smile on his face but Annabelle saw right through it but didn't want to say anything either. Annabella was in 5th year which meant she would take her OWLs this year as he stated and James had taken them the year prior which meant he was now in the sixth year.

"Obviously James, I can do better than you. I'll be Almost as good as Remus if not lily." Annabelle said. James' face lit up on the name of his crush or the love of his life as he claims her to be.

James gives her a mocking smile "You wish. You can't do as good as Remus let alone lily-flower." 


Sirius had returned an hour ago. And hadn't stopped complaining about how mean his brother was the whole time. Annabelle and James' parents were out on a job for ministry for the night. So all three of them had been sitting in front of the fireplace and were listening to Sirius' ramble. Finally, Annabelle had decided to change the topic to One of her and boys' favourite topic- Quidditch. The three of them argued, talked and laughed for hours after which Annabelle had made James and Sirius go to sleep early as they had to catch the Hogwarts Express at 11 am tomorrow.

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